You should get lots of good ideas here.
I have to create a mind map about the Great Depression. there are seven factors contributing to the effect. I need help creating a visual aspect to show the causes and effect.
ex. (it's taken) a hockey net that says Great Depression and different sports shooting at the net.
plz help
7 answers
I can't think of one... I've been thinking for the past hour Ms.Sue can you please think of a creative on like the hockey net
What?? Do you mean you've looked at the hundreds in that link above and found anything??
I'm sure I can't do any better than that.
I'm sure I can't do any better than that.
it's basically all stems connecting to a spot I'm trying to get a a++
Yes, Leo. All stems leading to the central idea. In your mind map, the hockey net is the central point. The contributing factors are the "stems," as you put it.
I have two ideas which one would be more creative
1. school in the middle what connects it is parents students government communities etc
2. student in the middle the student hangs out with friends does homework learn play sports etc.
1. school in the middle what connects it is parents students government communities etc
2. student in the middle the student hangs out with friends does homework learn play sports etc.
What do either of those have to do with the Great Depression? How do students, parents, etc., or friends and homework have to do with it? One friend is unemployment? One is collapse of the financial system? One is falling farm prices? The analogies don't hold.