M.Pl. F.Sing. F.Pl.
canadien: see italien
frais: look up a French-French dictionary
long: look up a French-French dictionary
petits,petite,petites OK
grands,grande,grandes OK
nouveau:look up a French-French dictionary
mauvais: look up a French-French dictionary
Here they are. Good night!
I have some other adjecifs as extras.
I will put masc.pl 1st, then fem.S, then fem pl.
mauvaeux, mauvause, mauvauses
Mathmate, I kind of struggled on some of these, can you please correct me. Thanks.
4 answers
There are some general rules for adjectives in French.
1. The feminine singular of adjectives is regularly formed by adding -e to the masculine singular. If that form already ends in a mute -e, the feminine form is the same: faible, faible.
2. The feminine of adj ectives ending in -x, -f, and -er is formed by changing -x to -se, -f = to -ve, and -er to -ère: curieux, curieuse; neuf, neuve:premier, première
3. The plural is regularly formed by adding -s to the singular. If that form al ready ends in -s, or -x, the masculine pplural is thje same: gris, gis; curieux, curieux
4. Most masculine adjectives ending in -al in the singular, end in -aux in the plural: égal, égaux
5. Certain adjectives double the final consonant before adding -e to form the feminine : bas, basse, muet, muette, italien, italienne
6. There are, of course, irregular adjectives. You just memorize those, if you can't dream up a reason!
Sra (aka Mme)
1. The feminine singular of adjectives is regularly formed by adding -e to the masculine singular. If that form already ends in a mute -e, the feminine form is the same: faible, faible.
2. The feminine of adj ectives ending in -x, -f, and -er is formed by changing -x to -se, -f = to -ve, and -er to -ère: curieux, curieuse; neuf, neuve:premier, première
3. The plural is regularly formed by adding -s to the singular. If that form al ready ends in -s, or -x, the masculine pplural is thje same: gris, gis; curieux, curieux
4. Most masculine adjectives ending in -al in the singular, end in -aux in the plural: égal, égaux
5. Certain adjectives double the final consonant before adding -e to form the feminine : bas, basse, muet, muette, italien, italienne
6. There are, of course, irregular adjectives. You just memorize those, if you can't dream up a reason!
Sra (aka Mme)
Thank you Mme Sra. This would make life a lot easier for Anna.