Correct errors in paragraph..

I apologize for my previous actions. I stole my friend's milk money and faced consequences for it. Fortunately, my friend Masc-a-masc came to my rescue. I am truly grateful to her, and I owe her a debt of gratitude.
After the incident, the teacher warned me, saying, "Don't you dare steal your friend's money again." I made a solemn promise not to repeat my mistake.
Upon returning home, my mom sternly scolded me, calling me a "bad girl" and a "little thief." She emphasized that I was fortunate not to miss supper. Later, my dad arrived and concurred that I should be punished by missing supper. Therefore, I obeyed and skipped the meal.
Feeling remorseful, I turned to the mirror and couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of my actions. I bid myself goodnight, saying, "Goodnight, and learn from your mistakes."
But next day I stood an Apple from my teacher. Oh, boy this time my friend could not help me. I went to the principled office and learnt lesson or two there. When I got home ma was mad she made me clean the dust basement and to to my room. Can getting home said I should mis sup . And go start to bed.

1 answer

I apologize for my previous actions. I stole my friend's milk money and faced consequences for it. Fortunately, my friend Masc-a-masc came to my rescue. I am truly grateful to her, and I owe her a debt of gratitude.

After the incident, the teacher warned me, saying, "Don't you dare steal your friend's money again." I made a solemn promise not to repeat my mistake.

Upon returning home, my mom sternly scolded me, calling me a "bad girl" and a "little thief." She emphasized that I was fortunate not to miss supper. Later, my dad arrived and concurred that I should be punished by missing supper. Therefore, I obeyed and skipped the meal.

Feeling remorseful, I turned to the mirror and couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of my actions. I bid myself goodnight, saying, "Goodnight, and learn from your mistakes."

But the next day, I stole an Apple from my teacher. Oh boy, this time my friend could not help me. I went to the principal's office and learned a lesson or two there. When I got home, Ma was mad. She made me clean the dusty basement and go to my room. Dad said I should miss supper and go to bed.