I have all my information i need to make a good essay on the Apache Tribe. i can't come up with an argrumentive Thesis statement. Help!!!!

5 answers

Apaches in Oklahoma? There are fewer Apaches in Oklahoma than Armadillos, aren't there? The only Apaches I know of in Oklahoma are a few remnants of Dines, who are mainly not in Oklahoma.

If this is true, and you need to verify it, perhaps an argument that the Apache nation ought to opt for economic integration, if they can't have geographic cohesion. They have common problems: poverty, drug abuse, and lack of opportunity.
the esaay is on the Apache Tribe, their culture,hunting and farming techniques used in past history. i live in Oklahoma, and by the way there are many Apache Indians in Oklahoma.
Could your thesis then involve past practices vs changes? Did the farming and hunting techniques change toward what the White Man did? What things did not change, and why? I think you could make a nice historical thesis based in that area.

Now the data. You stated there are many Apaches in Oklahoma.
Here are the current census numbers (I called each tribe).
Apaches of Oklahoma 2200 individuals.
Ft Sill Apachies 615 members

Total: 2800 Apaches in Oklahoma. That is not a large population, as compared to other tribes.

Thanks for asking.
Indeed there are Plains Apaches in Oklahoma I have an uncle who was one.

Curiously, I checked the Wiki articles on the Plains Apache (Kiowa), who are now known as the Apache tribe of Oklahoma. Wiki lists the population as 2100, whereas the tribe claims 2200, which still points to a small total population (in Oklahoma).