I have a research paper where I need to write a paragraph answering each question. The instructions are to go to the American Medical Assocation's web site at ama-assn and use the search button on the upper right to look for ethical opinions oncomputer confidentiality.
Based upon what you find answer the following eight questions and explain your answers:
1. Should corrections be date and time stamped?
2. When should the patient be advised of the existence of computerized databases containing medical information about the patient?
3. When should the patient be notified of purging of archaic or inaccurate information?
4. When should the computerized medical database be online to the computer terminal?
5. When the computer service bureau destroys or erases records, should the erasure be verified by the bureau to the physician?
6. Should indiviuals and organizations with access to the databases be identified to the patient?
7. Does the AMA ethics opinion mention encryption as a technique for security?
*. What does the ethics opinion say about disclosure by recipients of authorized data to third parties?
Any help please. I am really frustrated and can't find any articles or the right information for any of these questions.
You'll clearly need to do a lot of reading, but some of these seem obvious to me. For example, #3 -- before the purging takes place!! The reasons should be obvious.
EX: When my son was applying for an appointment to a military academy, one of the things we had to do was get copies of all his medical records -- all of them, back to the day he was born, 16 years' worth of medical records. All were available, even though I had to pay for the different medical offices/hospitals to make the copies we needed.
which articles are you clicking on once you get to this site to find the correct information
when the computer service bureau destroys or erases medical records, should the erasure be verified by the bureau to the physician
I think you should have to spend hours researching this project like I did, instead of taking the easy way out. It took me like 30 hours to read, outline, gather info, type, and footnote. I am taking the same class.
typ in your questions and you will find all you need to know. if you look hard enough you will find what you need.instead of asking other people to answer it for you.
yo! dear, this is NOT the way you do the project.. it is just so easy when you read it.. all answers are just found there.. i did it myself without any help.. so can you.. =)
Finding the AMA Opinion E-5.07 and obtaining the answers there is not the problem. The problem is I can't find anywhere else to get additional information. Seems silly to do a research project when the ONLY reference I can find is the actual AMA Opinion E-5.07. My reference page will have only the one item on it and the need for a reference page/research project style seems ridiculous then. I certainly don't want someone else doing the work for me. I have the answers right here. What I want to know is how and where you searched to come up with additional references. I'm running out of patience here and almost ready to submit this assignment as half-assed as it is. Just hate to bring my grade point average down because of something like this.
i really understand how you feel im doing the same project right now i ask help to everybody i know about medical records they say the same thing the AMA guidelines is so well written to rephrase it in your own words, and if you rephrase it sometimes your sentence doesnt come out like it should. i try to put it in my own words come out to have 3 sentence only and the project requires 4 sentence or more. just be patient and keep searching for references if i found anything i will post the link for you. sometimes taking a break away from your desk and refresh your mind really helps.
Gertrude, you stated exactly how I feel about this project also! I have been working on it for about six weeks now because I am having the same problem, and agree that it seems silly that the only reference is the AMA opinion. I have spent many hours on the computer and off looking for additional information and have not found any. It would be nice if some of the people who have found this assignment easy could say where they found their info. I also am not looking for someone to give me the answers, just help with ideas on where to find the information. I have decided to answer each question according to the AMA opinion and the information in the study guide and hope that will be enough. This assignment has been very frustrating!!
I AGREE!!! I am doing this assignment also and I can't find the answers anywhere else but on the AMA website. I only have 3 questions left to answer. This assignment is so aggrivating!!!
how long did it take you to get this all done i've bben at this for weeks now just trying to get a paragrph done
I am doing the same project as well. I totally agree, there is no other information but the AMA website. I am still doing this project, looking around for answer but no luck. Good luck to you all.
Use Opinion 5.07 to answer question (introductory sentence)then think about the consequences of what could happen if date and time were stamped improperly, if records were purged and patient didn't know it, what is encryption and is it 100% secure (no, nothing really is), legal consequences of not doing things according to Opinion 5.07, and give examples of what could happen, what state medical laws might add in addition to HIPAA, etc. It takes some research to find out these things, but after all, it is a research paper so you aren't going to be able to do it in one sitting. The info is out there, but you have to start thinking out of the box. Go to a librarian of 2-3 libraries and ask them to guide you in finding references. Hope this helps someone.
You know what is aggravating to me is that I am probably one of thousands of students who have done this same project, and when I do research, all I can find is the people who are asking for an easy way out. I'm not saying this person is, but it is very frustrating that I cant find answers, only people asking for the answers and hard working students telling them no. That is what is making this project so difficult. If you really want the degree, work for it! Don't make everyone else suffer by posting your laziness.
I am working on the same project and I know your frustrations. I have been to the libraries in two diffrent counties and two college book stores along with Barnes and Nobles with no luck on any refrence guides. I took the advice from the person abouve and started thinking outside of the box and it does seem to have made ot a little easier for finding what I need. I am still not finished but much further along than I was to start with. Double checking my work is time consuming but I hope it will be worth it when i get my grade. Good luck to all of us.
Well I feel better knowing I'm not the only one fed up with this. Stretching a yes or no answer is rough and the only help I found for any references is my Medical Assisting textbook, HIPAA, and common sense. Also found info from Google concerning Clinton's health reform 1993 but it's 163 pages long. Hope this helps any future students and you'd think Foster would change this mess.
I agree with everyone on this project... I have been working on it for a while now. I am NOT looking for someone to just give me the answers in ANY way. Just a way to find more information (enough for a full paragraph per answer). The assignment is to use AMA Opinion 5.07 and from other research I conduct, at this point the AMA is the only place I have been able to find the answers, because it is a research paper i would like to be able to cite more than just the one source for information that the school gave us. I have No problem doing the assignment or the research myself and wouldn't want it any other way. I was just hoping for suggestions on where to look. Since we all go about things differently and what one person thinks of, another may not. It doesn't sound to me like anyone here is looking for an easy way out, just frustrated with not being able to find the right place to look. It's too bad that those of you that found this assignment so easy are so critical of those that don't and so quick to jump to the conclusion that they want someone to do it for them.
I am 3 months ahead of the projected timeline and this is the only assignment that has been holding me back. The others were fairly easy, but I am having the HARDEST time finding information. How do you do a real research paper when you cannot find more than one source that was provided for you?!
I am taking the same class too, and having the same problem, been trying for three weeks off and on to find other sources as well, I finally e-mailed the STUDENT LIBRARY for help and the person who replied gave me a few helpfull hints you could probably try doing the same thing. Its not a matter of getting someone else to do it for you, its harder than it sounds. The questions are so similar to the answers in the given source its hard to research specific topics without taking you right back to where u started:)
same problem
cant find resouces
Im working on this too and I'm really frustrated as well. I have been Googling all day and the only thing other than the AMA site I can find are site that you can PAY to join to read others research paper. I don't want to read others papers I want to create my own with HELPFUL information. Sigh.. well I feel I will definatly be turning in an assignment that is not up to my usual work. And by the way, don't worry about the people who jump on you for asking for help, they are obviously people who find it easier to complain then to lend a hand. :o) good luck to us all on this one
I am relieved to know that more people are having this problem. I can't find any info either. I too have been working on it for weeks. I am two tests ahead but can't turn it in because of this paper that is impossible. Goodluck to you all.
At first, I was having the same problem, You can find a bit of infomation on websites just by typing in the question. 4 sentences is not a whole lot for each question. Don't over-think it, it will come to you. Good Luck! Its easier then you think.
The answers to most of the questions are in either the AMA Opinion or your study guide. Then if you google part of the question, say like "purging medical records", you will find a few links to books, articles, or medical websites. That's all I could find and that's what I'm going with. I'm not gonna drive myself nuts cause I gotta finish this stinkin' course. I do think they grade a little harshly, but as long as I get a passing grade, I've already learned what I need to, so it's not worth the anxiety. Of course, if I don't get a passing grade I'll be back to cry! :)
I am taking same course. Am frustrated for same reasons others have stated. This project has already eaten up 2 months because I can't get anywhere with it. I have used Google and other search engines with search phrase "confidentiality electronic medical records". Lengthy articles to wade through. Some helpful; some not. I am about to throw in the towel on this assignment and just send in a half-hearted attempt and pray I pass. I have 3 units to go with a deadline for completion of May 31. I am truly up a creek and pretty darn angry about it.
I also am doing this project and ugh im so over it, but to not give up! Just take your time and let it flow
just to break up the first sentence of everyones anwers, i'm doing this too! lol it's difficult, yes, but keep going! i found a decent site on princeton.edu. type the question into bing and look at the web sites. i can't remember what the whole address is, sorry! it's a lot of reading, but you can use it in almost all your answers! hope this helps and good luck to everyone!
These are questions about computer security. Unless you have training or experience in that field; a the least experience in security dealing with condifendential issues the answers will not make any sense to you.