What are YOU interested in that others around you may not understand or may not agree with you about? Those are the topics you should be exploring.
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I have a research paper due and I'm in college. It needs to be a compare and contrast and something that can be argued against. I need topics and my teacher doesn't want the basics of abortion, marriage, texting and driving, politics etc. I looked on Google and every thing is repetitive and not unique. Any ideas?
4 answers
I'm interested in radiology, but I'm not sure what I could write about that
I'm sure you can think of something. How about the comparative benefits and drawbacks of urban and rural living? Small towns versus big cities? Voluntary charity versus the "social safety net" provided through mandatory taxation? How about zoning laws that prohibit vegetable gardens in front yards versus smooth lawns? I can think of lots of things that are arguable, lend themselves to comparison and contrast.
Did you read that webpage? Did you click on any of the links there to start exploring topics?