Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. It's probably that you don't understand the subject more than you can't stand your teacher! I used to tell my students that I was not there for a "popularity contest" but to teach them! If they didn't like me, it only made it harder on them, not on me! Fortunately, I liked all my students and they liked me because they knew that I was going to give them what they needed to pass the big exams we had every year in May. It could be that you don't really know your teacher, or she doesn't know you. Have you tried to talk to her, explaining that the subject is difficult for you, but you really want to learn? Most teachers are only too willing to help you if they know you are trying!
In any event, please post here what is difficult for you and one of us will do our best to explain it so you can understand it!
Perhaps it's the way you asked for help? I true teacher is only too willing to help a student who asks nicely!
I hate my teacher and she wont help me
= [
1 answer