I forgot to include the following sentences. I hope you can have a look at them, too.

1)The British upper class still thought of itself as the centre of the civilized world. World War I put an abrupt end to all this.
2) In June 1914 the heir to the Austrian throne, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his wife were murdered in Sarajevo, Serbia, during an official state visit.
3) Austria and Germany declared war on Serbia in July of the same year. This started a chain of events that brought France, Russia and Britain to side with Serbia against Austria and Germany.
4) During the war a strong wave of patriotism and hatred of the Germans swept Britain. In 1917 King George V even changed his German name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to an English Windsor.
5)In 1915 Italy joined France and Britain. In 1917 Russia withdrew, after the Bolshevik Revolution(1917-20), but the United States entered the war on Britain’s side.
6) By 1917 the American President Woodrow Wilson had understood that it was no longer possible for the USA to remain neutral, and in 1918 thousands of soldiers and convoys of arms were sent to Europe, the Americans succeeded in turning the was in favour of the Allies and the conflict ended in the same year.
7) British efforts in the war. During the war over 900,000 British troops had died and some two million had been seriously wounded.
8) Britain had fought the war mostly in the trenches of northern France, but fighting occurred in the Middle East as well. For the first time, aeroplanes, submarines, tanks and chemical weapons were used.
9) World War I was a terrible shock for a whole generation which had been brought up on high patriotic ideals and was now faced with the horror of modern warfare and the manipulation of soldiers at the front for political and economic reasons. Most of the poets who fought in World War I, of whatever nationality, exposed the cruelty and meaninglessness of the fighting, attacking ideals on nationalism and heroism.

Thank you very much!

1 answer

1) OK

2) In June 1914, the heir to the Austrian throne, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his wife were murdered in Sarajevo, Serbia, during an official state visit.

3) Austria and Germany declared war on Serbia in July of the same year. This started a chain of events that brought France, Russia, and Britain to side with Serbia against Austria and Germany.

4) During the war, a strong wave of patriotism swept Britain, as well as hatred of the Germans. In 1917, King George V even changed his German name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to an English Windsor.

5)In 1915, Italy joined France and Britain. In 1917, Russia withdrew, after the Bolshevik Revolution(1917-20), but the United States entered the war on Britain’s side.

6) By 1917, American President Woodrow Wilson understood that it was no longer possible for the USA to remain neutral, and in 1918, thousands of soldiers and convoys of arms were sent to Europe. The Americans succeeded in turning the war in favour of the Allies, and the conflict ended in the same year.

7) During the war, over 900,000 British troops died, and some two million were seriously wounded.

8) Britain had fought the war mostly in the trenches of northern France, but fighting occurred in the Middle East as well. For the first time, aeroplanes, submarines, tanks, and chemical weapons were used in war.

9) OK