I forgot to include the following sentences. I really hope you can have a look at them.
1)He asks his pupils for her name and she replies her name is Sissy Jupe.
In his opinion that isn't a name.
2) He objects first to her name, which must really be Cecilia, and then to her father's occupation as a horse-rider in a circus. The girl, however, dares to answer back about his father. 3) First, she replies that her father calls her Sissy and then that her father belongs to the horse-riding, that is to the world of imagination Mr Grandgrind totally rejects.
3) He qualifies (?) her father as a horsebreaker, a veterinary surgeon and a farrier.
4)The girl is asked to define a horse but she fails to produce it.
5) He turns his attention to another pupil, who happened to sit in the same ray of sunlight which irradiated her.
6) The depiction of the two little pitchers is achieved through contrasts. Sissy is described as black-haired and black-eyed. She stands for the world of imagination.
1 answer
4) fails to produce IT? (the horse? Is it clear you mean "definition?")
6) PITCHERS? of water? or, could you mean PICTURES?