You will have to know to how many decimal places you want to round.
best shown with an example
suppose you are asked to round to 3 decimal places.
Look at the 4th decimal place. If that is from 0 to 4, the digit in the 3rd decimal stays the same.
If the 4th decimal is from 5-9, increase the 3rd decimal digit by 1
12.3567 ---> 12.357
12.356269 --> 12.356
12.35648 ---> 12.356
Many people make an error with the last one.
They argue that the 8 after the 4 should bump the 4 up to 5, which then would change the 3rd decimal to 7
WRONG, simply look at only the next digit.
another eg.
12.34972 to 3 decimals
----> 12.350 , you should actually show that zero in the 3rd place
you might want to google some webpages with more examples
I can't understand rounding rules of numbers
Can you simply explain it ?
1 answer