Mainly, you're expected to learn to function at college level instead of high school level of rigorousness. There should be LOTS more reading and writing in AP classes, and the grading should be at a higher level than in "regular" high school classes.
I am taking an AP class for the first time. How does this differ from regular classes and what should I expect. (11th grade)
5 answers
The most pronounced thing you will notice is that the teacher wont pull you through the course. You are expected to do that yourself. If you fall behind, kuput, you are dead.
Your right 100 percent .nice thinking
Haha, I definitely notice the amount of reading we are required to do. Since I wasn't there for the first two days of school, I have to make it up by reading 40 pages!
It depends upon the AP class in which you are enrolled. Be sure you ask for the AP sites online, when you are ready, and the Acorn Book, which details the class as well as what the exam will be like. Your teacher should have one and they are available through the AP site.