I am a number less than 3,000.When you divide me by 32, my remainder is 30. When you divide me by 58, my remainder is 44. What number am I.

2 answers

I found 3 of them:

798 , 1726, and 2654


Using a silly very old computer language program from the 80's called BASIC

1 dim x(100),y(100)
10 for n = 1 to 100
20 x(n) = 32*n+30
30 y(n) = 58*n+44
50 next n
60 for k = 1 to 100
70 for l = 1 to 100
80 if x(k) = y(l) then print x(k)
90 next l
100 next k
I do not understand I have a calculator right next to me and none of those answers made any sense