How to find the square root of a number

3 answers

use your calculator, or type, say, sqrt(23) into google
There is also a way to find roots by hand; google can help you there, too.
Wow, I remember teaching that, since it was on our curriculum in the 1960s

Wonder how many of today's teachers could actually do this without looking
it up. (I am sure oobleck would know how)
not only that, I asked my Algebra II teacher whether it were possible to do cube roots by hand.
He allowed that it was, but he didn't know how. So I went home and looked in the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, and they had an example, but their choice of numbers was unfortunate, since the 3's in the workings got me confused with the 3's in (a+b)^3. It took me about two hours of just looking at the example before I finally grokked it.