How do you think the importance of these relationships developed? What spiritual purpose do you think they serve for indigenous peoples?
8 answers
Which relationships???
Consider the interrelatedness of everything in the cosmos as it is expressed in many indigenous religions. this is the 1st question then the top part is part 2
How is the iterrelatedness of everything expressed in many indigenous religions? What have you learned from your text and/or your research?
Dawn -- It looks like you're dumping homework questions here without out attempting to learn or think about your own answers. We do not do homework -- but we'll help you find answers.
Please tell us what you know about these questions and how you think they should be answered. If you post this information, we'll be glad to comment and suggest additional information.
Dawn -- It looks like you're dumping homework questions here without out attempting to learn or think about your own answers. We do not do homework -- but we'll help you find answers.
Please tell us what you know about these questions and how you think they should be answered. If you post this information, we'll be glad to comment and suggest additional information.
no, I am just having trouble finding the answers.
Dawn: Since the beginning of time, humans have wanted the answers to questions
Who am I?
How do I fit in with Nature?
What is my purpose in Life?
What will happen to me when I die?
What will happen to life in the end?
How did we begin?
The answers folks sought are interrelated, and are the basis of Mans relationship with the cosmos.
Who am I?
How do I fit in with Nature?
What is my purpose in Life?
What will happen to me when I die?
What will happen to life in the end?
How did we begin?
The answers folks sought are interrelated, and are the basis of Mans relationship with the cosmos.
Secondary questions man seeks answers to are ...
What is good, and evil?
Why do the good suffer?
Is there a reward for doing good?
How can I live forever?
What is good, and evil?
Why do the good suffer?
Is there a reward for doing good?
How can I live forever?
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I believe the relationships developed through the spiritual elders, who lived among each generation. They developed with the experience gained, discovering that harmony could bring them together. The relationships developed in people experiencing different parts of life and using the observations to reach a conclusion. The conclusions that they formed provided a spiritual purpose by explaining your everyday situation with a larger concept. Many religions have different beliefs but they share the same goals.