How do you think slavery influenced the evolution of both Black and White America today?
3 answers
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Slavery is an issue that creates animosity between many people. The equal rights, Black Power, and desegregation movements are all products from this idea. The concept of glass ceiling, walls, and escalator (this is a concept where one person can not move forward, upward, or even sideways in his or her career due to a racial issue) are other effects from slavery. Even continuing education (or lack of) for those in low income families can be seen as an effect from slavery because this prevents another person from moving forward in life. This is just one of many ways that slavery has influenced Black and White evolution in America.
Slavery of the African-American race stereotyped them as lesser individuals that have influenced our society's views for both the white and black individuals of today. The African-American people have faced that for hundreds of years in all aspects of their lives.
White America fears what equality really means. Facing this fear calls for true honesty of ourselves and our views and beliefs. A rejection of an individual's color, culture, and spiritual belief or lack of is a horrible loss for everyone.
Slavery of the African-American race stereotyped them as lesser individuals that have influenced our society's views for both the white and black individuals of today. The African-American people have faced that for hundreds of years in all aspects of their lives.
White America fears what equality really means. Facing this fear calls for true honesty of ourselves and our views and beliefs. A rejection of an individual's color, culture, and spiritual belief or lack of is a horrible loss for everyone.