Comparisons of equality follow these patterns:
1. tanto, -a, -os, -as (these are adjectives and will have the same number = singular/plural and gender = masculine/feminine as the noun modified + como = as much/as many + noun as
examples: tiene tanto dinero como su padre = he has as much money as his father.
tiene tanta hambre como su padre = he as hungry (literally: has as much hunger) as his father
tiene tantos carros como su padre = he has as many cars as his father
tiene tantas casas como su padre = he has as many houses as his father
2. tanto como = use adverbially, as much as
examples: puede comer tanto como su padre = he can eat as much as his father
lee tanto como su padre = he reads as much as his father
3. tan (this is an adverb modifying an adjective) + adjective + como
examples: Es tan guapo como su padre = He is as good-looking as his father
Es tan rico como su padre = He is as wealthy/rich as his father.
Corre tan rápido (rápidamente) como su padre = He runs as fast/rapidly as his father.
As for superlatives that is the most or the least and the pattern is:
the definite article (el, la, los, las) + más or menos + adjective + de + group
Ella es la más bonita de la clase. = She is THE prettIEST in the class.
El es el menos inteligente del grupo. = He is the least intelligent in the group.
Ellos son los mejores de los chicos = They are the best of the boys.
Ellas son las peores de la chicas = They are the worst of the girls.
The -or comparatives are:
mejor, menor, mayor, peor
(good, better, best, etc.)
Are you sure you don't also need comparisons of inequality?
how do you make comparisions use equality and superlatives?
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