Est-ce que elle dine a huit heures? (Is it that she eats at 8 o'clock?)
But if you were trying to ask "At what time does she eat?" It would be "Quelle heure est-ce qu'elle dine?" (What time does she eat?)
How do you invert the following into a question?
Elle dine a huit heures.
4 answers
Shouldn't it be:
Est-ce qu'elle dine a huit heures?
Or could you say:
Dine-elle a huit heures?
Est-ce qu'elle dine a huit heures?
Or could you say:
Dine-elle a huit heures?
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Nice tries but no ones has it yet! Here it is with inversion:
Dîne-t-elle à huit heures? (Because "dine" ends in a vowel and "elle" begins with a vowel, you must add "-t-" for sound.
Other ways to ask the same question (there are usually 4 ways to ask a question and inversion is #1.)
#2 Est-ce qu'elle dîne à huit heures? (Beginnins with "Est-ce que/qu'" and "straight word order = subject + verb"
#3 Elle dîne à huit heures, n'est-ce pas? (Straight word order + ,n'est-ce pas?)
#4 Elle dîne à huit heures, non? (Straight word order + ,non?)
Dîne-t-elle à huit heures? (Because "dine" ends in a vowel and "elle" begins with a vowel, you must add "-t-" for sound.
Other ways to ask the same question (there are usually 4 ways to ask a question and inversion is #1.)
#2 Est-ce qu'elle dîne à huit heures? (Beginnins with "Est-ce que/qu'" and "straight word order = subject + verb"
#3 Elle dîne à huit heures, n'est-ce pas? (Straight word order + ,n'est-ce pas?)
#4 Elle dîne à huit heures, non? (Straight word order + ,non?)
If I am remembering correctly it should be stated as Est-ce qu'elle dine a huit heures?