How did William Travis’s actions contribute to the beginning of the texas revolution?

A- Travis led attacks on San Antonio to instigate mexican troops to start a war.
B- Travis led attacks on Mexican officials at anahuac to get Texas to rebel against Mexico.
Help all answers

57 answers

fourth paragraph. Basically, he was a trouble making, hell raising lawywer.
Why did you cut off the other two answer choices?
Does anyone have the answers to this test? I need them badly
I need answers
I need answers for the whole test
I will post them after I take the test
I hope you mean that...😐
And I hope you post them before 2:00 or at least by 2:00 cause my mom said I'm not eating breakfast until I get this test done. And if I don't get the test done today I won't get nothing to eat at all today. 😟🙁😢☹️
So please please be a person of you word and post the answers... before today is out . . ..please!!
It usually takes me anywhere from two to four days to complete a unit test in Texas State history
I have been failing in this subject all semester long. And I'm always behind. I really need the answers cause I can't do it myself.
hey did u get the answers?
can someone post the answers?
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. AB
7. C
8. A
9. A
10. C
11. C

Do the rest yourself
Trust me I got 6/14 and it showed me the right answers, so I figured I would help you guys out to check your answers
Can someone check my answers??^^^^^^
What test are these answers for
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. A & B
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. C
12. essay
13. B & C
14. essay
15. essay
16. essay
those are 100% correct for U4L15 republic and statehood test ;)
Does anyone know the answers for the U4L5 quiz???
Do it yourself
I really need help! Please all the answers, I don’t know who trust and I think “shhh...” is right, but they didn’t get much recognition. Please, fast 😰 I tried studying but I’m just not great at history...
I need help fast too
the answers for the test for u4l15 without essays are
shhh is right
dose any on have the anwer to the essay questons plz i need helpd unit 4 lesson15
i need help too
like with the essay
who has the answers for unit 4 lesson 1?
Jesus @I'm Hungry , I think your mom's abusive...
What about essay questions?
yall help!!!!!1
idk.. i might be able to put my essay answers but copying directly will affect me and you if they find out :(
brb i will give you the essay answers and number answers. Just gimme a minute. I came here to check my answers so now i know i am right but i will do the essay ones. And no, i am not gonna do what everyone else does by saying i will give the answers but hold on and they never give the answers🙄
@anonymous did u get it now?
sorry still working on it!
almost done on the last question! Takes me awhile to do tests
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. A & B
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. C
12. The two significant events was Santa anna building up an army and that gave Sam Houston more time to build an army of his own. It shaped the TR (Im too lazy to type it) because they were in a long battle and learned some lessons during the battle. idk.
13. B & C
14. Idk much for this but here is what i put: Manifest Destiny was a belief back in the 1840's. It was a main reason for them going to war was because of something that i dont know
15. A
16. I just know a failure. It is the financial problems. Idk a success because there was seriously no success about the R of TG. Like none.

I probably didn't help at all. The teacher sucks and doesn't teach us anything. The textbooks have no information about the tests. I am so close to just having a mental break down. My mom says just to email them, but they never reply. My dad is a history expert and doesn't even know what my teacher is talking about. My siblings don't even know and they are in college! I tried my best to help. I probably didn't, so sorry about that...
Again I am so sorry. I didn't help at all, and I feel so dumb even trying to help...
I am so sorry about that I am failing history. I just give up on trying and cheat even though nothing good will come out of cheating. Eh oh well 🤷‍♂️😝
i feel u anonymous
Honestly i hope i get kicked out of this program i cant learn here its too hard ill check anonymous anzwers and tell u guys what i get
i will get answers soon
yay thnx
so ssssh is right?
Guys anonymous and shhh are right
shh and anonymous are life savers
Shhh... is correct
anonymous I feel you many others feel the same and thank you for doing your best.
Are shhh and anonymous right for 2021??
Yes, they are! Although, please use them to check and not cheat!! ^_^
Thanks my man, without this i may have failed. You did help, trust in that!
tf was that for????????
ive beem failing for a while now an my mom comes in my room everyday asking why an i keep telling her everytime i miss 1 question my grade goes down but i dont think she can hear me over all her yelling :l