How did the spread of electricity change the life for Americans

9 answers

If you didn't have electricity, how would that affect you?
It will affect me because electricity cuts down the amount of work i have to do and with out it it might take longer to do the work
Electricity also gives me more things to do because there are new forms of entertainment
Well, yes, on both counts. But think a little more. What was life like before electric lights and electric refrigeration? Electric vacuum cleaners?
A further thought on entertainment: Remember that early phonographs did not require electric motors, nor does a movie projector necessarily require electricity, and lots of games can be played with no electricity at all. So HOW did electricity facilitate advancements?
Without electricity, we wouldn't have even, dependable heat, lights, TV, computers, good refrigeration, automatic washing machines, etc.
Elevators, escalators, electric construction tools, . . .
Think of all of the inventions since 1900. Which ones might have been invented without electricity?
Exactly. Perhaps my phonograph example is not a good one since most young people have never seen one, but that was the first method for recording sound, and it required no electricity. Now you download MP3s, which were recorded electronically, and are reproduced electronically.