This dictionary has the definitions for prefixes such as il- and post-.
Be sure to include the appropriate hyphens when you search.
How can I find words for roots?
like il- and post
6 answers
This is a really good site to put into your favs for future reference.
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(Broken Link Removed)
I typed il- and it gave me 9 results. How do I know which one to use?
In the site I gave you, if you scan down to prefixes... you will see the following:
il- not
illegitimate, illicit, illegal, illegible
il- not
illegitimate, illicit, illegal, illegible
thanks. do you have another list cause im still missing some like nat and ante
The prefix, ante-, is in that dictionary. I haven't found "nat," either as a prefix or suffix.
The prefix, ante-, is in that dictionary. I haven't found "nat," either as a prefix or suffix.