Hi thanks for the help?

Which are the correct indirect pronouns for the following: me te le nos les

1. El camarero va a traer ____ la cuenta a mi papa

2. A mi hermana Elena _____ encanta el flan

3. a mi ____ gustan las papitas

4. A ti ___ gusta el jamon

2 answers

This site will help you. Repost with your answers and we will see if you are correct.

¡Hola! GuruBlue gave you a wonderful site about Indirect Object Pronouns. The only thing not clearly stated is that the following words will either be stated or clearly understood in identifying an Indirect-Object Pronoun:

to, for, at, from

Me dio el libro. He gave me the book. (Here it's more difficult perhaps to identify the IDO. This restated statement makes it FAR easier: He gave the book TO me.

When you ask WHO gave the book = subject
WHAT did he give = Direct Object
TO WHOM did he give = Indirect Object Pronoun.

*Also on this site, note the blue lines below. You can also go to the Review of Direct Object Pronouns and then Indirect and Direct used together!
