It can't be "to" but must "tu" = No, mi abuela ya paseó por la playa.
eek! what is "pasearatrsr???"
P.S. Do you have the pattern for the Preterit? Here's the regular pattern verb "hablar"
yo hablé, tú hablaste, él/ella/usted habló
nosotros/nosotras hablamos, ellos/ellas/ustedes hablaron
NOTE the endings after you drop the -ar of the infinitive: é, aste, ó, amos, aron
Now, take the infinitive pasear, drop the -ar and add those endings:
paseé (yes, two "e's" = one for the stem pase and one for the ending é., paseaste, paseó, paseamos, pasearon
I have one more from here and one from another group
Question: Va a pasear por la playa to abuela?
No, abuela ya pasearatrsr por la playa
1 answer