Here is the question:

Automobile air bags use the decomposition of sodium azide as their source of gas for rapid inflation:


What mass (g) of NaN3 is required to provide 40.0 of N2 at 25.0 C and 763 torr?

Here is my work:

P=1.0039atm or 763torr

PV/RT=n and my answer comes out to be 65.0099 which I multiply times 3/2 to convert to NaN3 then multiply that number my molecular weight (65.009) to get 6320193.00741

The assessment is saying this answer is incorrect can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

2 answers

There is 2/3 as much NaN3 as N2. Flip your ratio on the conversion.
Once again thank you Bob, I think my brain is fried for the day. I would stop if I did not have 4 more questions to go. Hopefully I can get them on my own now that I figured out the calculator issues I was haveing.