for the emission spectrum of Be3+, calculate the lowest wavenumber νˉ (in inverse meters) of light produced by electron transitions between n=2, n=3, and n=4.

5 answers

An electronic transition occurs between two energy levels. Why have you listed three?

For Be3+, you can use the Rydberg formaula for energy levels, with Z = 4. The nuclear charge is +4e, and there is one orbiting electron

Perhaps what they want is the wave number for the transitions 3->2, 4->3 and 5->4.

These will be 16 times the corresponding transitions for hydrogen
Hello drwls,
could you be more specific about the forumla and how we can solve this problem ?
Hi DRWLS, please be bound by MIT EDX honor code or else you will cause trouble for everyone.

Thank you for your kind corporation.
Jiskha is not part of the MITx platform!!! How the honor code of MITx could be applied to an user of other system?
good point