For my english class we have to write a one page essay about What is the most significant gift that we wish to give ourself this semester. Here's what I have so far I was wondering if you had any other ideas on what I could add to it because it needs to be longer and see if my grammar is good.
The most significant gift that I wish to give myself this semester would be an A in the class. I'm very determined to put everything that I have into every assignment and motivate myself to never settle for less. Working towards earning an A in the class will take a positive attitude and being able to stay focused when I feel like quiting. I'm willing to work for what I want and not let the grade be given to me for doing nothing. Ever since high school and my first English college class I have received nothing lower than an A-. This is my motivation to continue to receive those type of grades and to make me feel better about myself as a person. Knowing that I'm capable of achieving anything as long as I put my mind to it is the best feeling in the world.
2 answers
What you have written is very general and repetitive. Your paper would be much better if you can give some specific examples of things you have done well in the past and give specific reasons why you believe you can do at least that well or even better now.
Try again.
Instead of an A, wish for something that will last, such as skill at writing, a gift of theme crafting, and use of word power. Instead of reading something great and thinking you wish you could write like that, you can say "I can write like that." That is a significant gift.
Or you can wish forless: Vocabulary range and power, or the gift of organization, or...
Anyway, a lot of people can get A's in English, but few of them are skilled writers.
Someone else will probably comment on the above, someone more qualified than I. I wish I could comment as thoughtfully as they can.