For an organization to have standing, it must show that:
A. the majority of its members satisfy the standing test.
B. it is capable of representing the members.
C. it has a special interest and expertise in the subject of the litigation.
D. it is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
is it B
2. The power of judicial review extends to __________ action.
A. congressional
B. executive
C. state
D. All of the above
is it D
5 answers
I agree with your answers.
To have standing in what context? To file a suit in court? If so, no, B is not enough. Usually it must have been harmed in some measurable way by the action being disputed. Just representing an opposing viewpoint is not usually enough to have "standing." On question 2, you are correct.
so for number 1 should i go with C or A i'm so confused
I think it's A. The standing test has to do with harm done. Just last year the Supreme Court turned down (did not hear) an appeal of the marriage ruling in California because the group that brought the suit was not harmed in any way by the lower court decisions, therefore did not have standing. The group doing the suing disagreed with the decision that barring same sex couples from marrying was unconstitutional, but its members were not harmed.
Correct A. That the majority of its members satisfies the standing test
I answered C, but the correct answer was A.
Correct A. That the majority of its members satisfies the standing test
I answered C, but the correct answer was A.