Rearrange things into the usual form for a 1st-order linear DE:
(1+cosx)y' = sin^2x(1+cosx) - sinx y
y' - sinx/(1+cosx) y = sin^2x
y' - tan(x/2) y = sin^2x
Now you have the form y' + p(x) y = q(x)
The integrating factor is now e^∫p(x) dx = 1/2 sec^2(x/2)
1/2 sec^2(x/2) y' - tan(x/2)(1/2 sec^2(x/2))y = sin^2(x) * 1/2 sec^2(x/2)
After some trig manipulation, this comes out to be
(tan(x/2) y)' = 4(1+cos^2(x))/(1+cos(x))
Some more study should provide the way to integrate the right side.
Check my math, and don't be afraid to use tools like wolframalpha to provide some help.
Find the general solution of this de (1+cosx)y'=sinx(sinx+sinxcosx-y)
I need full step have tried but nothing good is coming out
1 answer