Find the exact area of the region enclosed by the square root of (x) + the square root of (y) is = 1; x = 0 and y = 0.

I moved the first equation around to get:

y = [1- the square root of (x) ] ^2

Unfortunately, this gives me bounds from 1 to 1.

So I'm stuck with:
integral from 1-1 of [1- the square root of (x) ] ^2

I used FnInt on this equation and it returns an answer of 0.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks alot,


The limits of dx integration are from x=0 (the x=0 line) to x=1 (where the curve crosses the y=0 line). What you want to calculate in the integral od y dx from x=0 to x=1. That can be written
(Integral of) (1 - 2 sqrt x + x) dx