Be sure you understand the difference between "estar" and "ser." "Estar" is location, or something temporary, while "ser" is permanent (at that moment/time). In the first sentence you need "ser."
yo seré junior
Talking about h eight, you again need "ser." Yo seré más alto (you are NOT female, are you?) en dos años. (don't forget the necessar tilde)
Again, when you will be in Paris, that is location, and "estar." Yo estaré en Paris en el verano.
If you number the sentences next time, it will be easier to correct them.
P.S. Hopefully the following Review Sheet will post, with "copy & paste."
The verbs estar and ser both mean to be in English.
Estar is used to express:
l. Location or position.
¿Dónde está Juan? Where is John?
Madrid está en España. Madrid is in Spain.
2. Health.
Pedro está enfermo. Peter is ill.
¿Cómo está Ud.? How are you?
3. Temporary change from a normal state or condition.
Common adjectives used with estar to express a temporary change are:
caliente, warm, hot frío (-a), cold
cansado, tired limpio (-a), clean
contento (-a), happy lleno (-a), full
ocupado (-a), busy sucio (-a), dirty
triste, sad
Estoy cansado. I am tired.
Está triste. He is sad.
Exception. The adjective feliz (happy) takes the verb ser.
Es feliz.
But He is happy.
Está contento.
4. Result of an action, with past participles.
Está sentado. He is seated.
La puerta está abierto. The door is open.
5. Continuous action, with present participles.
Está trabajando. He is working.
Ser is used to express.
l. Characteristics of a more permanent nature.
Common adjectives used with ser to express a more permanent characteristic are:
alto (-a), tall pequeño (-a), small
bonito (-a), pretty pobre, poor
grande, large, big rico (-a), rich
joven, young viejo (-a), old
nuevo (-a), new
La casa es grande. The jouse is large.
María es bonita. Mary is pretty.
Pedro es rico. Peter is rich.
2. Origin, possession and material, with de.
Juan es de España. John is from Spain.
Esta falda es de México. This skirt is from Mexico.
Es el libro de Ana. It is Ann's book.
Es una corbata de seda. It is a silk tie.
3. Occupations and nationalities.
Es médico. He is a doctor.
Es el presidente. He is the president.
Es español. He is Spanish.
4. Time and dates.
Es la una. It is one o'clock.
Es el dos de mayo. It is May 2.
5. Impersonal expressions.
Es posible. It is possible.
Es verdad. It is true.
6. Actions, with past participles.
La puerta fue abierta por The door was opened by John.
Some adjectives may be used with both ser and estar, but differ in meaning.
Alberto es bueno (malo). Albert is good (bad).
Alberto está bueno (malo). Albert is well (ill).
Albert es pálido. Albert is pale complexioned.
Alberto está pálido hoy. Albert is pale today.
Alberto es listo. Albert is clever.
Alberto está listo. Albert is ready.
Adjectives used with ser or estar must agree with the subject in number and gender.
María está cansada. Mary is tired.
Son ricos. They are rich.
En dos años yo estaré un junior.
Yo tendré diecisiete en dos anos.
Yo tendré mas alta en dos anos.
Yo donde seré en Paris. ( for the summer )
Iré en CORE en dos anos.
can you please tell me if these are correct what I will be doing in to years 5 things
2 answers
P.S. It did NOT paste, so here's a shorter version:
ESTAR is used to express:
1. location or position.
2. health
3. temporary change from a normal state or condition, with adjectives such as: caliente, frío, cansado, limpio, contento, lleno, ocupado, sucio, triste
*exception: the adjective "feliz" takes the verb ser.
4. result of an action, with past participles. (La puerta está abierta.)
1. characteristics of a more permanent nature, with adjectives like: alto, pequeno, bonito, pobre, grande, rico, joven, viejo, nuevo
NOTE: Don't forget to make the adjectives feminine if they modify something feminine.
2. origin, possession and material, with "
3. occupations and nation alities
4. time and dates
5. impersonal expressions (Es posible, verdad, et c.)
6. actions with past participles. (La puerta fue abierta por Juan.)
SOME ADJECTIVES: may be used with both "ser" and "estar" but differ in meaning:
Alberto es bueno. Albert is good
Alberto está bueno. Albert is well (health)
Alberto es pálido. Albert is pale complexioned
Alberto est á pálido hou. Albert is pale today.
Alberto es listo. Albert is clever.
Alberto está listo. Albert is ready.
CRUCIAL: Adjectives used with "
ser" or "estar" must agree with the subject in number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine)
María está cansada.
Son ricos.
Sr a
ESTAR is used to express:
1. location or position.
2. health
3. temporary change from a normal state or condition, with adjectives such as: caliente, frío, cansado, limpio, contento, lleno, ocupado, sucio, triste
*exception: the adjective "feliz" takes the verb ser.
4. result of an action, with past participles. (La puerta está abierta.)
1. characteristics of a more permanent nature, with adjectives like: alto, pequeno, bonito, pobre, grande, rico, joven, viejo, nuevo
NOTE: Don't forget to make the adjectives feminine if they modify something feminine.
2. origin, possession and material, with "
3. occupations and nation alities
4. time and dates
5. impersonal expressions (Es posible, verdad, et c.)
6. actions with past participles. (La puerta fue abierta por Juan.)
SOME ADJECTIVES: may be used with both "ser" and "estar" but differ in meaning:
Alberto es bueno. Albert is good
Alberto está bueno. Albert is well (health)
Alberto es pálido. Albert is pale complexioned
Alberto est á pálido hou. Albert is pale today.
Alberto es listo. Albert is clever.
Alberto está listo. Albert is ready.
CRUCIAL: Adjectives used with "
ser" or "estar" must agree with the subject in number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine)
María está cansada.
Son ricos.
Sr a