Drag and drop actions to match the emperor who is famous for doing them

A split the empire into an east and west
B Traveled the empire and built a wall in Britain
C Built a new capital city in the East
1 Constantine
2 Diocletian
3 Hadrian
I think C goes to 1, B goes to 3 and C goes to 2 plz help!

79 answers

Please halp :C
1 C or 2 C?
C and 1
B and 3
A and 2
I agree with your answers.
Constantine- built a new capital city in the east
Diocletian- split the empire into east and west
Hadrian- traveled the empire and built a wall in Britain
Hi i need help
1. Constantine: Build a new capital city in the East.
Diocletian split the empire into east and west.
Hadrian: traveled the empire and build a wall of Britain
3. Jesus of savior Christianity
Old Testament Judaism and Christianity
Trinity Christianity
4. A
5. B
6.During the IMPERIAL CRISIS Roman generals warred over succession. These conflicts drew soldiers away from the frontier and made the empire vulnerable to INVASION.
7. B, E
8. Roman empire Latin as official language Twelve Tables
Byzantine empire Greek as official language Cyrillic Alphabet
10.The Great Schism resulted largely from a disagreement over CHURCH LEADERSHIP
11.Today, the POPE still heads the Roman Catholic Church, which is centered on Rome. There is no longer a Byzantine emperor, but each country has its own PATRIARCH to lead the Eastern Orthodox Church there.
12.persecuted Christians


Supported Christianity



The teachings of Jesus became a religion in large part because
spread his teachings and gathered followers. Paul carried Christian beliefs throughout the Roman empire and attracted many
Catholicism (Checked)

Eastern Orthodoxy(Checked)





14.The culture of ancient Rome both enriched other civilizations and was enriched by civilizations outside the Roman empire mainly THROUGH THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE ROUTES
(You're welcome if you are using this. I wish I could of had someone share the answers. I got a 50%. Don't worry lol I typed all these with the correct answers since it tells me the answers.)
Hi is right! (not me the hi with a capital h)
Hi is right :)
Hi is 95% correct.
Lesson 8: The Roman and Byzantine Empires Unit Review
Social Studies 6 A Unit 10: The Roman and Byzantine Empires
There was one question that was partially correct.

14. Select the boxes to identify denominations and sects of Christianity today.



Eastern Orthodoxy------------------Check

Islam--------------------------------Don't Check


Judaism----------------------------Don't Check

Hi is 100% correct : )( : is wrong
Actually : )( : that is exactly what Hi said.
ACTUALLY! Hi did mistake something, i got a 95% because Hi didn't include Diocletian on question 12. If this is not the case for you then don't take my advice but for Connections, The Roman and Byzantine Empires Practice, i recommend it. Thanks!
Hi is correct on most of it but one heres the correct one
Eastern oryhodoxy-✅
:D yee haw

Yes he did include diocletian
Read the answer again its just worded strangely
Persecuted cristians = nero and diocletian
Supported christians = Theo and the other dude
Thx Bro
guys 13 14 and 15
bruh dont forget 16 year old boys lol
Yall are cool lol . But so much to scroll through lol
hi is right thx bruh
Wowowowow! SOOOOO HAPPY that I went with Hi's answer! It was 100%! Please believe me!
Hi is right! answers:
1. Constantine: Build a new capital city in the East.
Diocletian split the empire into east and west.
Hadrian: traveled the empire and build a wall of Britain
3. Jesus of savior Christianity
Old Testament Judaism and Christianity
Trinity Christianity
4. A
5. B
6.During the IMPERIAL CRISIS Roman generals warred over succession. These conflicts drew soldiers away from the frontier and made the empire vulnerable to INVASION.
7. B, E
8. Roman empire Latin as official language Twelve Tables
Byzantine empire Greek as official language Cyrillic Alphabet
10.The Great Schism resulted largely from a disagreement over CHURCH LEADERSHIP
11.Today, the POPE still heads the Roman Catholic Church, which is centered on Rome. There is no longer a Byzantine emperor, but each country has its own PATRIARCH to lead the Eastern Orthodox Church there.
12.persecuted Christians


Supported Christianity



The teachings of Jesus became a religion in large part because
spread his teachings and gathered followers. Paul carried Christian beliefs throughout the Roman empire and attracted many
Catholicism (Checked)

Eastern Orthodoxy(Checked)



14.The culture of ancient Rome both enriched other civilizations and was enriched by civilizations outside the Roman empire mainly THROUGH THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE ROUTES
Answers, you just copied Hi's answers.......
Anyway, Hi is 100% legitimately correct! (Connexus) Lesson 8: The Roman and Byzantine Empires Unit Review Social Studies 6 B Unit 6: The Roman and Byzantine Empires (practice)
oh wow, sorry i didnt see that. Also, do you have to change your name to offend me -.-
Hi I for a 100 how u get 50% ??
HI there are 2 12's its kinda hard to read but its ok I got a 100
Thanks hi i got a 100% thanks to you
i really like to eat children up-vote this if you want free v-buck u get it
Hi is one 100 percent right!!!! Tusm
lol Hi is right i got 100% and thx Hi you are a hero
TYSM Hi i tho this dont count for grade i still wanna pass LOL
sooooo*Answers* is....right but i wasn't in the same order as him/her so I got a 60% but luckily I had a good grade in social studies bc now I have 112% I showed my mom and she Wass so happy. but ty.
Thanks alot hi I got 95 percent!!
5th in 2021 and I am so thankful to have you guys because Hi got me a 100% and I am sorry you got a 50% Hi
Stay safe😷
Hi is right they just forgot to put old testament in Judaism and Christianity on question 3
Hi is correct
Am I the only one who realized that this started in 2019 and now its 2021
For number 7 it is B and E
Hi is a life saver
Thanks hi (❤´艸`❤) (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) (✿◡‿◡)
@Hi is 100% correct yay
Ty very much @Hi
Ummmm....Do your work on your own, then we will check your answers. Do not just automatically give them. This is home work help, not home work cheat.
Aha thanks, I guess but give the right answers please I need to check my work.
Hi is 100% Correct!
where is the answer to 15?
It's through the development of international trade routes.
ԅ⁞ ◑ ₒ ◑ ⁞ᓄ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
Hi tytytytytyty
why u take my name * CRY * awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Hi is correct thanks!
thx smart girl
What are the roman and byzantine empires unit test answers
Hi is correct I got an 100%
hi man raj
dear @BlueBox13TimeTravel!

if you are just here
to tell kids to not cheat, please leave. this website is for helping kids, not for people to get yelled at. the fact you are here, going to question to question yelling at kids is, quite frankly, sad. if you really wanted to help, you would leave and tell someone about this. but no, you keep on yelling at kids on the internet for entertainment. please leave, and don't come back, because you are just making a fool out of yourself. and a tip to you sir, telling kids on the internet to not cheat will most likely, make them want to cheat more. so if you really want to help, just leave, and stop yelling at random children trying to do school. goodbye.

Hi is 100% they just put 12 twice on accident
Hi is correct 😒😑
hi is correct 100%
Bruh i just need the answer for question 1 -_______________-
@Hi tysm i got a 100% i have FSA tomorrow and i'm trying to get all of my work completed before i go so my mom won't know ;)
Hi is 100 % right
Cool. Thanks, @Hi.
there is a answer to 15 its just that @Hi added 2 question 12 so he/she made it out to be just 14 when there are 15
tysm Hi!
TYSM!!!! Hi is correct :)(: is wrong
Hi is correct I got a 100%
HI is correct I got 95% but it was my fault for clicking the worng answer so Hi is correct
Hi is correct!!
Hi is 100% right, if you got less than a 100you checked something wrong or put something in the wrong box.
tysm, @Hi 🙂🙏🏾
key y ess
I'm sorry, I do not understand what you are trying to say. Can you please provide more context or information?
You're welcome! If you need any assistance in the future, feel free to ask.