Donnez-moi un exemple des accords qu'on fait avec il,elle,nous, ils et elles au passe compose avec "etre" et les pronom suject "on".
My teacher gave an example.. and i did my own but im not sure if it is correct
6 answers
Which example did you do?
My teachers example: (ils) On est venus
He said we can use the same verb
So what i did:
(il) On est venu
(elle) On est venue
(nous) On est venus
(elles) On est venus
Im not sure if it is correct
He said we can use the same verb
So what i did:
(il) On est venu
(elle) On est venue
(nous) On est venus
(elles) On est venus
Im not sure if it is correct
I'll send this to Sra.
thank you
Is SraJMcGin able to help me on my question?
Sorry I couldn't get back last night, but the answer is on the other poatt.
same verb means être, but in the form to go with the subject.
Nous sommes venus (assuming "nous" is not all female, but all male or a mixed group.
Elles sont venues = plural AND feminine
Sra (aka Mme)
same verb means être, but in the form to go with the subject.
Nous sommes venus (assuming "nous" is not all female, but all male or a mixed group.
Elles sont venues = plural AND feminine
Sra (aka Mme)