Does anyone know about this school? I think the spelling is incorrect? Maybe it's Axea or Axiea.

Is it accredited? Can one take on line beginning college classes at A.C.
Thank you

24 answers

It is a division of the University of Phoenix. See

Your questions might be answered there, albeit by a faculty dean.

All I can say is U of P has been around for quite some time, and does not appear to be breaking the law. They must have a lot of satisfied customers. This website accepts advertising from it (see column at right).
I am currently enrolled in this school. I have 2 classes left until I receive my degree. All is well so far.
My main concern is whether Axia diplomas are accepted in the job market. You might check to see what percentage of Axia graduates are working in their chosen field within a year of getting their degree.
How could I find out that information?
Are there any other colleges that you would recommend?
i want to take addmission
My suggestion is that if you are currently enrolled at Axia College, you can inquire through your enrollment counselor, your financial aid counselor, or your academic counselor as to whether Axia Degrees are accepted in the job market. According to what I have read in the student handbook, Axia is an accredited university, and whatever credits that you have from Axia may be transferred to another school if you so choose.
As soon as I receive my associate degree from Axia College in Internet Technology/Visual Communications in July of 2009, I may decide to transfer my credits and go for my Bachelor's degree either at the University of Phoenix campus in Phoenix, AZ., or Arizona State University, in Tempe, AZ.
I have been attending classes since June of 2007, and I really enjoy the classes. I also like the environment. I can not wait until graduation.
i have been a axia university of phoenix for a year now and its a very well known college and very creditable
"In response to concerns about Axia College"

I am currently a student of Axia College University of Phoenix and I will obtain my associates in psychology in April 2009. I contacted Oklahoma University to see if my credits will tranfer from Axia into their online Bachelor's program (which has the same requirments as on campus) and they said that all of them will transfer. Personally I think people who are not familar with online education is critical of it. I have no complains with Axia. Do not let all the negative comments scare you. An employer wants someone who has made an effort to improve their education no matter whether it is online, or on campus. Good Luck.
give me an exampl;lof a topic withth sub headings and details
I have been with Axia College and I have not come across any problems; however, I seriously do not know if I should believe all the negative things other people have to say about Axia College.. I want to know if it is really accepted in the job market because I do not want to waste my time.. I am planning on transferring to a campus college after I complete my associates degree online, and I just pray that other colleges will accept my credits.
I am with Axia college and I haven't had any problems with it so far. I think the thing to remember is, if you start it, don't drop out! This will leave you owing money and causing a lot of problems. I have known ppl who have received their associates degree and went on to get the job they were after. Hope this helps!
I was told that there were certain accreditations that are not concurrent with the actual degree that I am obtaining. I think that an associates degree is just the basic stepping stone to other degree's. Some of the courses transfer and some do not. It depends on the scale of the establishment that you are planning on transferring too. The best place to check accredidations is not through the schools counselors, but on the government education website that has links to check the schools accredidations. UOP has many accredidations, but since Axia is a derivative of UOP their accredidations are different. The one and only complaint I had about Axia College, is that since it is a college; some of my credits did not transfer to the University I transferred to. That is an issue where ever you go though, even a community college will have the same stipulations.Call the school you want to attend after and ask them specifically if all the credits will transfer and get written material in regards to that. The counselors are very unavailable often at Axia, and know much less about the laws than I do. I have had some issues there, but the classes were good and I learned an immense amount of materials. I had Ph.D's as instructors that had vast knowledge. Do your homework from credible sources, and do not expect that anyone else will give you the correct information other than the dept. of ed. Even the colleges you are going to transfer to will say that they will accept the credits and then change the arrangements after you are enrolled. GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING, that is always your best bet! Good luck, and it is your right to know the full truth when you are investing your life and faith into an organization of higher education.
Well thanks guys for all those answers. I am a 45 yr old Brit living in NZ and I have shedloads of work experience mainly in large government depts. Thing is I cannot climb the promotional ladder without a tertiary education behind me. I need a degree of some kind to back up my lengthy work experience so I am about to enroll at Axia for an Associate Degree, I am not concerned duly about a BA right now so credit transfer is not a major, but I am concerned about the negs people have written online about Axia. This thread though has made me feel better about spending my money and time with them. I welcome any feedback or advice from any of you.
I actually attend Axia College and work for UOP. I think that is is great and I was scared tot ry it before I started working for the company. When I heard and saw all the success stories I knew it was right for me. You need to ask yourself is distance learning for oyu.
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I attended Axia and received my Associates degree in Business through them. I have currently transfer to the University of California- Berkley and have had no issues with the accreditations of Axia. Hope this helps make you decision a little bit easier.
The scary part is that some of you are stating you are passing Axia. Don't get me wrong I'm graduating soon as well. But if most of you will remember your first year there, it was mostly all English courses. So, tell me why then most of you have spelling errors and grammar problems.
Tere are probably spelling and grammar issues because this is a stupid forum and people don't normally put their all into a forum. Do you text? I bet you spell out every word don't you? FYI: You forgot your apostrophe in first line, sentence number two, first word (it should be DON'T not DONT.)Stop trying to be smart when you made a blunder too.
I have been with Axia for over a year now and love it! I have never had any issues and don't forsee any coming up.
Thanks Sandra - I read your response here that helps me to transfer to UC after military
I can not believe the amount of errors on this page with spelling etc.
There is no problems getting jobs as long as you know your stuff. People usually gripe about the school because they cant handle not having a teacher around. If you are self-paced and do not need constant attention then the school is good for you.
Question: Please help me to get my Associated Degree Diploma mailed to me so i can begin my bachelor Degree. It is very hard for me to find out what i need to do in order to get my Associated Degree mailed to me at my home. I keep hitting spots that stop me in my tracks and prevent me from going any further. i want to start my classes for my Bachelor Degree Diploma be the 27th of October. If you can help please send me an email letting me know what I need to do.
I transfered from the Eastern CT State University and almost all of my credits transferred over. Of course my P.E. credits did not as well as a couple of others.
First of all there are spelling errors because most prob. do not write their blogs in word first so they have spell check. I do because I can't spell, never could. Thank goodness for spell check. I have been with Axia for a little over a year I have 16.5 weeks to finish my AA. My biggest complaint is not of the school it is of my state. There seems to be very few BA degrees that are not restricted here. I love the school and find it very challenging. My Ex is working on her masters and goes to the University of Washington, she has told me on many occasions that she could not do what I am doing, that she is not disciplined enough. If you cannot follow directions and make your self do the work and get it in on time, this is not for you. If you are a self starter and you can follow directions you will do well. Good luck.