Does anybody know of an online flashcard maker you don't have to print out that you can study online? Americangirl . com has a flash-card maker, but it doesn't work anymore.

7 answers

See if there's anything here that will work. Notice that the American Girl site has something to say about having cookies enabled.

Thanks! I've found the scholastic website's flash-card maker works perfectly. And I looked back at the AmericanGirl website after I enabled the cookies for it, and it works now! (after all that wasted typing) LOL

Anyways, thanks Writeacher!

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Funny, I never thought of a program to make flash-cards! I suggested my students take 1/2 of a 3 x 5 card, because they fit in your pocket so easily! Then you can quickly divide them into 2 groups = those you know and don't have to spend any more time on and those that need more work.
Or save the trees....put them in your IPOD