Le garcon s'appelle Max.
J'ai un frere et une soeur.
Le francais c'est une langue tres facile.
La voiture est rouge.
Difference between indefinite and definite articles?
Indefinite = Un, Une, Des
Defenite = La, Le, Les
The indefinite articles means A or A(n)
and Des means some.
Le, and La mean the, and Les is the plural form of these two.
Give example of each:
1.Je vais manger des fromage.(Does fromage need an s at the end, as it is plural?)
2.Je veux une pomme.
3.Les filles aiment écouter de la musique.
Could you please give me few more examples please
5 answers
Wow thanks Grace so much:)
Perhaps Grace had problems with the keyboard when typing accented vowels.
Watch out for:
In French, when accents are omitted or incorrect, they are counted as spelling mistakes.
Watch out for:
In French, when accents are omitted or incorrect, they are counted as spelling mistakes.
One more form for "definite" = le, l', la, les
1. to answer your question, yes, indeed. des signifies plural so fromages must have the "s"
MathMate is absolutely correct! A word requires an accent mark, if you are headed for an AP or IB exam, YES, the word is TOTALLY wrong! It's either right or wrong = no 1/2 way!
Sra (aka Mme)
1. to answer your question, yes, indeed. des signifies plural so fromages must have the "s"
MathMate is absolutely correct! A word requires an accent mark, if you are headed for an AP or IB exam, YES, the word is TOTALLY wrong! It's either right or wrong = no 1/2 way!
Sra (aka Mme)
P.S. OOPS! I nearly forgot to mention = do NOT miss the Related Questions down below. They have similar questions and earlier answers.
Sra (aka Mme)
Sra (aka Mme)