Derrick's social studies teacher assigned Derrick to present a report about the life of the nomadic peoples who live in Mongolia. Derrick decided that he would focus his report on their traditional homes, called gers. Which visual aids are most likely to be helpful? Select all that apply.

flip chart

3 answers

Right away we can take away all the options that aren't visual aids.

So we are left with,

I don't know how many are allowed to select, but I would say all 3 are good examples.
Tia is mistaken. All are visual aids. You obviously can't bring the object, a ger, into the classroom. What would you chart about a ger? A model might be very effective to demonstrate what it is. A graph? Again, what would you chart? A photo or a video would show what they look like, how they are portable, etc. A flip chart? Maybe to show how to put one up and take one down in stages or steps. Which do you think would be effective in helping your audience to understand the concept?
None of what Reed is saying would help in my opinion. A chart would not show me what their homes look like. Visual aid, by definition, is something that is a picture or video.