Dear Everyone:

It is beautiful outside. After a full day of school and homework, make sure you go outside and play!

Your friend,

9 answers

You too.

Yep! Time to go out for a nice, long walk!

My -- this weather could tempt even a couch potato like myself!

I'm glad for all of you BUT its raining cats and dogs here. And I'm TRYING to get outside but can't.
Play? Who has time to play! However, it IS beautiful out today.
Been out with my pruning shears...had a ball! Plan to take a book on the porch this afternoon. IT ISN'T RAINING! yeeeeha!
It has been a perfect spring day up here in Ontario, temp around 24ยบ C
The last of the snow has melted, tulips are coming up, grass is greening.

Life is good!
I MUST be the only one in the world with rainy weather. We were supposed to have a 40% chance of a thunderstorm or two; otherwise, a nice day. It was raining when I woke up, it has rained all day (poured is more like it), but there may be a glimmer of hope. The light outside has become lighter instead of darker in the last hour. Perhaps it's over for the day.
It's nice here too. =D

and spring break just started today.