Compare and contrast the treatment of different religions by rulers of the Arab empire.

70 answers

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I just need help understanding and writing this. It just needs to be a quick paragraph.
omg you all of you are so mean to the teachers they are just trying to help and they are trying not to just give the answers because that is not learning anything I am sorry teachers you guys are awesome and I think you put a lot of effort in to this so sorry, and for gg and kate and someone pleas help me you guys are dum sorry teachers you guys are awesome I have learned so much from jskha
whats the answer tho
im assuming no luck on the answer?
what's the answer???????
yeah guess not
( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)
i want to give the answer, but i'm here for answers too. If i can i'll come back in a few days with the answer
@Anime girl l sooooo agree w\ you!
Don't expect me to give you answer but help go to this page:

Lesson 3: Expansion of the Muslim World
Social Studies: Unit 4: The Islamic World and South Asia

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." — Albert Einstein
Hello you've probably reached the end of this absolutely moronic debate, but anyways, congratulations you earn!

(unless you count the feeling that this was pointless so in that case you did get something else)
Special mentions
"kate" for fanning the flames
"chicken" for also fanning the flames

But in all seriousness, Ms. Sue has passed away from an undisclosed illness and died on a hospital bed, you will forever be remembered in our hearts.


Just talk about the arab leaders treating polytheistic religions like buddism and hinduism unfairly by destroying and trashing they temples or where they usually pray/"do" their religion
WOW still no answer why did university place block :(
wtf did i just read
Would you all just stop fighting and complaining about grades and age along with cheating just read what your welcome has to say and complete your work. this is really getting out of hand. Thank you all.
Ok fine, I`ll give you the answer. But please don't copy and paste it as your own. You can also find the answer in the study guide (message board). The page is 462. And the title is "Treatment of Non-Muslims" (The study guide, message board, and the book might only be available for Conexus students)

Answer: Arab was "somewhat" tolerant of Jews and Christians. They respected then because they where counted as the "People of the book". But followers of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Zoroastrianism where treated harsh. People didn't respect then as much because they were not considered the "People of the book". Because of that, sometimes their places of worship and holy books were destroyed.

Hope this helped! And please, once again don't copy this answer of else you might get caught.
In my opinion brainly is not better. Although it usually has more answers you have to sign up to get a good amount of answers. And even after you sign up you only get 15. And yes Jishka could be better but the only thing it really needs is for people like kate to stop coming into this app just to say that everyone is cheating.Also I am in 7th grade.
honestly kate is right in certain areas, most kids in connexus are so annoying and just the worst little brats. Just log onto one live lesson and you will understand. Then those connexus brats come here and are really edgy and annoying. But who cares about cheating, almost everything we are learning is useless crap, and its just a memory test. MY MEMORY IS SO BAD. plus i dont have all the time in world to scan through 200 pages to find the right answer for every question on the book
@coffee pot she just posted an answer on another question an hour ago-
Also, I agree we need to stop the drama. Itś pointless arguing. we are all just trying to get our answers and get by in life. making it harder isn't worth it.
I just wanted help understanding how to explain this. instead I wasted 13 minutes scrolling hoping someone was mature enough, to ignore the drama and proceed with the desired help. Kind of disappointed.
I just need the answer, not to read this lol. its kinda fun tho
Arab was "somewhat" tolerant of Jews and Christians. They respected then because they where counted as the "People of the book". But followers of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Zoroastrianism where treated harsh. People didn't respect then as much because they were not considered the "People of the book". Because of that, sometimes their places of worship and holy books were destroyed.

Thats the Answer Hope it Helps (:
Welcome everyone to the end of this whirlpool of comments! I’m guessing you didn’t get the answers huh? Yeah, thought so. But since you made it all the way here, I’ll give you a reward.

Answers to ALL 4 written questions.

1: Arab was "somewhat" tolerant of Jews and Christians. They respected then because they where counted as the "People of the book". But followers of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Zoroastrianism where treated harsh. People didn't respect then as much because they were not considered the "People of the book". Because of that, sometimes their places of worship and holy books were destroyed.

2: The split between the two sects has lasted since the death of Muhammad. Sunni Muslims remain the majority in most Muslim countries with the exception of Iraq and Iran. The split has been largely a peaceful division, since the Shi'ites lost the competition for dominance of the Muslim world early on.

3: The religious, social, and political tenets that Muhammad established with the Quran became the foundation of Islam and the Muslim world. Muslims often refer to Muhammad as Prophet Muhammad, or just "The Prophet" or "The Messenger", and regard him as the greatest of all Prophets.

4: Prosper means the economies succeeded or did well. increased trade, the growth of wealthy city-states, and an interest in classical ideas and styles, one factor is: Their development of advanced concepts, techniques and use in production, investment, finance, economic development, and etc. This helped them with the way they had lived their lives. The Umayyads moved the capitol from Medina to Damascus. They also embraced open commercial and trade markets, promoted the arts
and sciences, and established a strong internal infrastructure.

You are very welcome :>
Guys please stop, u guys can do it on ur own, if u need help, start another conversation because this conversation is not going to help. Teachers are here to help, so please be polite and nice because teachers and students work their hardest but if us students continue like this, we aren't even working hard, we can do better, we can ask for help to our older siblings or our teacher or our learning coaches (Parents) so please, start the drama somewhere else, we are here for explanations, not for arguments.

Thanks for reading my paragraph, I hope u guys learned something, so now lets help everyone we can in this website.🥰
Thank you fat from America. lol
i meant rat
ummmm ok cory ok....
... ok cory love.-
Arab rulers allowed the subject to follow their own religion because the Quran forbidded the rulers to force conversion to islam. YW! change up a bit <3 ly
youre kidding me right some people like me are idiots and need help so what are the answers
“GiB us AnSWerS plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz🥺🥺😭😢😢😭🥺🥺😭🥺🥺🥺😭😢😢”

To Kate
~love Isabella not a spy❤️
1: Arab was "somewhat" tolerant of Jews and Christians. They respected then because they where counted as the "People of the book". But followers of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Zoroastrianism where treated harsh. People didn't respect then as much because they were not considered the "People of the book". Because of that, sometimes their places of worship and holy books were destroyed.

2: The split between the two sects has lasted since the death of Muhammad. Sunni Muslims remain the majority in most Muslim countries with the exception of Iraq and Iran. The split has been largely a peaceful division, since the Shi'ites lost the competition for dominance of the Muslim world early on.

3: The religious, social, and political tenets that Muhammad established with the Quran became the foundation of Islam and the Muslim world. Muslims often refer to Muhammad as Prophet Muhammad, or just "The Prophet" or "The Messenger", and regard him as the greatest of all Prophets.

4: Prosper means the economies succeeded or did well. increased trade, the growth of wealthy city-states, and an interest in classical ideas and styles, one factor is: Their development of advanced concepts, techniques and use in production, investment, finance, economic development, and etc. This helped them with the way they had lived their lives. The Umayyads moved the capitol from Medina to Damascus. They also embraced open commercial and trade markets, promoted the arts
and sciences, and established a strong internal infrastructure.
use to rephrase
The only thing u learn from jiska is nothing it a cheating app u don't t learn stuff from it


@ KITTY the question asks to compare and contrast the treatment of the different religions not
@ This helped? thanks you just gave me a idea on what to write so thanks :,)
There were four primary groups in Muslim society. Arab Muslims were at the top of the top of the social structure. Non-Arab Muslims were the next to arrive. Jews and Christians made up the third group, while some Jews and Christians climbed to important positions in society as the Islamic empire grew. Jews and Christians were tolerated in the Arab rule to some level. Muslims revered their sacred scriptures, therefore Jews and Christians were considered as "People of the Book." Jews and Christians were free to profess their religions and run their own affairs. Despite this, they were required to pay a tax and were subject to various restrictions. Sometimes when a new ruler emerged, non-Muslims who were "People of the Book," had to convert to Islam because of some laws. Other religions, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Zoroastrianism, received harsher treatment. Because they were not considered "People of the Book," their places of worship and holy scriptures were sometimes demolished.

These are ideas, do NOT COPY.
Answers to ALL 4 written questions.

1: Arab was "somewhat" tolerant of Jews and Christians. They respected then because they where counted as the "People of the book". But followers of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Zoroastrianism where treated harsh. People didn't respect then as much because they were not considered the "People of the book". Because of that, sometimes their places of worship and holy books were destroyed.

2: The split between the two sects has lasted since the death of Muhammad. Sunni Muslims remain the majority in most Muslim countries with the exception of Iraq and Iran. The split has been largely a peaceful division, since the Shi'ites lost the competition for dominance of the Muslim world early on.

3: The religious, social, and political tenets that Muhammad established with the Quran became the foundation of Islam and the Muslim world. Muslims often refer to Muhammad as Prophet Muhammad, or just "The Prophet" or "The Messenger", and regard him as the greatest of all Prophets.

4: Prosper means the economies succeeded or did well. increased trade, the growth of wealthy city-states, and an interest in classical ideas and styles, one factor is: Their development of advanced concepts, techniques and use in production, investment, finance, economic development, and etc. This helped them with the way they had lived their lives. The Umayyads moved the capitol from Medina to Damascus. They also embraced open commercial and trade markets, promoted the arts
and sciences, and established a strong internal infrastructure.
Did anyone get caught using Rat from America's answers? I just want to know because if my parents find out I'm an idiot, they'll probably kill me/joking or am I
Answers the question 15-18: the typing ones

15. Some of the Arab empire forced their own religion on Christians and Jews, but earlier on they didnt force it so much. The Arab empire conquered the Sasanian empire and then made the Zorastrainian religion the dominant religion.

16. After Muhammad's death, some Arab empires rebelled against the Muslim rule, which caused a split between them both. The Muslims later defeted the Arab empires that broke away from the Muslims rule.

17. Muhammad had established the Quran. The Quran was what helped spread Islam because if others read it, they would spread it to more people and then their religion spread more and more.

18. Trade helped them a lot because whenever they traded with someone, they prospered by getting something new that could be better than the thing they traded. City-states also helped them prosper because more people were coming to move into the new city-states.
is any body from connexus?
I am.
*Replying to "camery"*
Most of these "teachers" are fake, like Ms.Sue
they just want you to get wrong answers for some reason. Just don't believe every "teacher" you see on the internet, their most likely fake teachers.
I'm sorry to disagree, but Ms. Sue was a real person who dedicated her time and knowledge to helping students on this platform. Many other teachers on this website are also real educators who want to assist students in their educational pursuits. It's not fair to generalize and paint all teachers as "fake" without evidence. It's important to give them the benefit of the doubt and not generalize based on one negative experience.
By learn a lot from jiskha you mean the reason why everyone else is here?
Jiskha is a platform where students can ask educational questions and receive help and guidance from knowledgeable individuals such as teachers, tutors, and other students. The idea is that by receiving assistance, students can learn and understand the concept better. While some may resort to cheating, the purpose of this platform is to provide a helpful resource for those who are struggling with their school work.
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Compare and contrast the treatment of different religions by rulers of the Arab empire.
The Arab empire was "somewhat" tolerant of Jews and Christians, which were considered the "People of the Book." They were allowed to practice their faith freely, but they had to pay a tax and were subject to certain restrictions. Non-Muslims who were "People of the Book" were sometimes forced to convert to Islam under the law. On the other hand, religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Zoroastrianism were not respected as much because they were not considered "People of the Book." Their places of worship and holy scriptures were sometimes destroyed. This shows that while Arab rulers showed some tolerance towards certain religions, there were also limitations and restrictions placed on those who did not fall under the "People of the Book" category.
were there any other religions???
Yes, there were other religions in the Arab empire such as the Sabians and the Majus, who practiced their own faiths. The Sabians were a monotheistic group that followed the teachings of John the Baptist, while the Majus were a Persian religion that worshipped fire and other natural elements. These religions were not as well-known or prevalent as the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). However, like other non-"People of the Book" religions, the Sabians and the Majus were sometimes treated harshly by Arab rulers.
just to ask so theres no more religions
There were other religions present in the Arab empire, but they were not as prevalent or well-known as the religions mentioned above. The Sabians and the Majus were two of the most prominent non-Abrahamic religions in the empire, but there were likely others as well.
Describe the split in the Muslim community caused by Muhammad’s death.
The split in the Muslim community, also known as the Sunni-Shia split, was caused by a disagreement over who should succeed Muhammad as leader of the Islamic community after his death. Some members of the community believed that the rightful leader should be elected by the community, while others believed that leadership should pass down through Muhammad's family. The majority elected Abu-Bakr, one of Muhammad's companions, to be the first caliph (leader) of the Islamic community. This group became the Sunni Muslims. The minority that favored leadership through Muhammad's family elected Ali, Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, as their leader. This group became known as the Shia Muslims. This split in the Muslim community has lasted to this day, and there are still differences between Sunnis and Shias regarding religious interpretation and leadership.
What was Muhammad’s role in establishing and spreading Islam?
Muhammad played a critical role in establishing and spreading Islam. He was born in Mecca, Arabia in 570 CE and began receiving revelations from Allah at the age of 40. These revelations, which
which what?
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