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Questions and answers by
Coffee Pot
Answers (15)
Still correct. Kind of surprised they haven't changed them after 6 years and now we're approaching 7 years from now.
go fast and good luck
Yeah, those are the answers.
it is.
1. A 2. ? 3. ? 4. A Somebody fill in the rest because I don't know those ones.
A. Increases A. A fur trade began between the British and the Chinese. C. Wealthy Chinese wanted to purchase the fur. C&D. Native American Trappers. British Merchants
As of 3/3/22, DAC is still correct and hasn't changed.
What he said.
You really are a true friend lebron
*insert compliment*
wow the answer was posted almost exactly a year from now.
Special mentions "kate" for fanning the flames "chicken" for also fanning the flames But in all seriousness, Ms. Sue has passed away from an undisclosed illness and died on a hospital bed, you will forever be remembered in our hearts.
Hello you've probably reached the end of this absolutely moronic debate, but anyways, congratulations you earn! Nothing (unless you count the feeling that this was pointless so in that case you did get something else)
A A D A B answers shortened