Can you look over my french paragraph and make sure it's grammatically correct? Thank you in advance!

Mon manoir est grand. Le toit est plat. Cette maison a deux etages. Ma chambre est en bas. Il y a sept chambres dans la maison. Ma chambre est confortable et moderne.

6 answers

Yes it is!
I'll send this to our French expert, SraJMcGin.
okay then.
Thank you both!
You welcome.
If a word requires an accent mark, it is considered incorrect if it is missing. There are actually 3 "e's" in French: e = uh / è = eh / é = a (as in the first letter of the American alphabet). In your 2nd sentence, étages has an accent aigu. Here is a French word with all 3 "er's" = élève

Now, if you would like to make your paragraph at a higher level, you could take some of these simple sentences and combine them.

Are you in your first year of French? If so, simple sentences coe first.

I'll flag this so I can come back later to see if you have any further questions.

Sra (aka Mme)