Can someone please tell me where I can find how to say "are" in Spanish. It's not in my Spanish book or Spanish dictionary we have to have for class. Thanks

5 answers

In Spanish as in English, "are" is simply the present tense, plural form of the verb "to be." Spanish, however, has two verbs for "to be" --

There is no simple answer to your question, but read through those links in the search results, and then wait for SraJMcGin to come online and explain it completely for you.
Thank you
You're welcome.
Plus "are _ ing" is one translation for a verb in the Present Indicative.

hablan = they ARE talking
estudiamos = we ARE studying

are = son. But also depends on your ending and whom your speaking about.. Yourself? They? We? He/she/ You?(formal which is usted Ex: your profesor/a is usted NOT el or ella.)