Can someone please check if all of this is correct in french? Is everything conjugated correctly? Its in the imparfait.
Quand j'etais jeune, J'ai la cheveux blonds. J'ai les yeux bleus. J'etais un petit diable. J'ai les cheveux courts. J'etais grand. J'adoré Spongebob et Amanda Show. J'étais hyper. J'ai aimer batman. J'ai adorer grimper arbres. J'aime jouer à chat perché. Je détestais le dentiste. ( I hate going to the dentist)
J'avais ne aimer pas mon frére. J'avais l'habitude de dessiner sur les murs. Je le blâmerais sur mon frère. Il a des problème(He would get in trouble) . J'avais l'habitude de dessiner sur les murs tous le jours. Il était s'amuser. Mon frère était furieux(Furious?) Puis,
Could you please translate this part for me correctly?
my parents caught me drawing on the walls. I had to sit in the corner. I started crying. My brother was laughing. I told my brother I hated him. I had to sit in the corner longer. I never did that again.
2 answers
Now if you are switching to the passé composé, it would be: J'ai aimé...J'ai adoré, but this was supposed to be the l'imparfait and WHAT YOU USED TO LIKE, etc.
J"aimais...J'adorais...j'aimais détestais
In the 2nd paragraph, I'm not sure what you are trying to say. I didn't like my brother? = Je n'aimais pas...Je blâmais...Il avait des problèmes....tous les jours...It was fun? = Il était amusant. Mon frère étais...
If you don't know how to make French accents on the computer without errors showing up, I need to know 2 things: a) do you have a PC or a Mac and b) do you have Windows or not.
Yes I COULD translate that for you, but that is not my job. Do your best, using a good dictionary, I repost.