Can someone help me with this? I have a 2200 word research paper due and it is about abortion and the emotional and mwntal affect it has on women. I have the resources that I am to use but can not come up with anything. I am to make sure that there is a counterargument but that my argument is stronger. can i please get help on this?

2 answers

This site may give you some help.

Notice that one of the effects is regret! Of course! That's normal, but I wouldn't call "regret" a serious emotional and mental effect.

Perhaps the strongest counterargument is that women keep having abortions despite the publicity given to the emotional, mental, and physical effects. I believe the reasons abortion rates have decreased is mainly because of the ready knowledge and availability of prevention methods.
Some of the negative effects come from "right to life" advocates who brand women who aborted as "killers," especially if they are family members or close friends of the woman.

I hope this helps a little more.