some miles ingleseas and cuardradas of heirba luxurious
This is a festival of diversion; therefore they come and they participate in the diversion.
this is what i got
Can someone help me translate these into English please?
unas millas ingleseas y cuardradas de heirba lujosa
Esta es una fiesta de divertimiento; por eso vengan y participen en el divertimiento.
4 answers
unas millas cuadradas de hierba lujosa = some square miles of luxurious grass.
I remember answering this yesterday. What happened?
This is a fun party ; therefore come and participate in the fun.
unas millas cuadradas de hierba lujosa = some square miles of luxurious grass.
I remember answering this yesterday. What happened?
This is a fun party ; therefore come and participate in the fun.
"few miles of English and Heirba cuardradas luxurious and ... This is a feast of entertainment, that's why they come and participate in the fun"
de nada
de nada
Una vez que uno se orienta, el resto es fácil