Can anyone help me with the introduction for an essay that I am writing. It's on what is the theme of Sonnet XXX by Edna St. Vincent Millay?..."Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink". I'm also having trouble coming up with a good body paragraph.

1 answer

This site will tell you how to write an introduction.
Check out the other sections at this site.

However, you can't write an intro until you decide what you want to write about.
Here is where you need to make some notes on the poem. What does the author want to tell you? How does she/he do it? How effective is the poet?

After you have done this, then you will have your intro and your thesis statement. THEN, you will be able to write that paragraph to prove your thesis.

When you have written your rough draft, please repost and we will be happy to give you further suggestions.