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In this Essay I will be comparing and contrasting the poems: ‘Nettles’, ‘Brothers’ and ‘Farmers bride’ with Mice and Men.
In ‘Nettles’, the poet uses structure to symbolise his feeling. The first stanza consists of 4 sets of lines and applies in all of the stanzas which is proximate to sonnet form. He has intentionally done this to show anger because Scannel didn’t believe in regimented discipline he didn’t like the military, he reacted against what other people would tell him to do; this indicates that he is breaking the rules as he did when he ran away from the army.
The way he uses words is very interesting as the first line says “My son aged three fell in the Nettle bed” the word bed causes the reader to stop, the full stop represents this pause It is a moment of contemplation the word ‘bed’ is ambiguous as we know that it’s used for sleeping or resting which leaves us hanging with perplexed, is it a bed we normally sleep in or a flower bed?
Also “that regiment of spite behind the shed” refers to the army, Scannel uses a metaphor to compare the spikiness of the plant which shows the harshness of life in the army. Additionally, saying this sentence the T and D letters force the reader to understand element of “spite” when reading of the poem, the consonant applies aggression this reflects the exasperation Scannel feels towards the army.
The same could be shown in ‘Of Mice and Men’ particularly Lennie, Lennie is an aggressive person but also a loving person he doesn’t want to cause pain, e.g. when he crushed Curley’s hand he says he “didn’t wanna hurt him”-but George emboldens him saying “Get im’ Lennie”, because of their relationship, Lennie is more liable to follow his orders and obey. Steinbeck’s first descriptions of George and Lennie demonstrate the fact that George is like a father figure to the shapeless faced Lennie. Lennie, despite his age, acts and speaks like a child due to mental retardation. He is always mimicking George and following him obediently: “they had walked in single file down the path, and even in the open one stayed behind the other. Which again demonstrates a father and son relationship. Additionally, George can be compared with the father in the poem with the poem ‘Nettles’ especially the father. This is because when the father tries to protect his son he overreacts when the son falls into the nettles he cuts down the nettles as it extended metaphor to portray the poet’s anger towards the nettles.
Knowing the factual information, we can suggest that really he is angry because of his history with the military-he totally over reacts to a simple childhood accident because he is so infuriating at the army and what it did to him. The same can be shown in ‘Of Mice and Men’ when George becomes angry because he has to look after Lennie as it says He complains constantly that if he did not have Lennie he would be done with a huge responsibility.
However, in the poem ‘nettle’ second stanza the poet employs a variety of soft s sounds using alliteration and assonance to emphasise the soothing of his injured son his language style changes from a very furry to acceptance of the fact he can’t protect his son as it will grow back again.
help anyone ??????
First of all, you have many run-on sentences in here. Shorter sentences are more effective. And if your assignment is to compare three poems to OF MICE AND MEN, I only see you refer to the poem "Nettles".
It's because I am working on it, I haven't finished it
Well, you have a good start. Do work on the run-on sentences. Your ideas make sense; if you can state them more clearly, you should be fine.
thank you
In a formal essay numbers that require no more than three words should be written as words

eg four not 4