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Questions and answers by
Mr McAlpin
Answers (25)
A refrain is like a chorus. which one of those terms is something you would see in a chorus? Also don't you think you should say Sir or Miss when you address the teachers ? They are here to help you and it is nice if you can express your gratitude and
In a formal essay numbers that require no more than three words should be written as words eg four not 4
Take the other person out of the question . would you say "They want I to go away" or would you say "They want me to go away" ? Does that answer your question and give you some help ?
I have taught it . Can I help you ?
Hello Im an Australian teacher and this poem is part of our English curriculum. I have taught and analysed it and I have a great deal of information for you. I am happy to help but I would rather not just give it to and do it for you. Consider repetition
what about Justice as Topic? Act 3 in particular is the court room scene. That would tell you a lot . What about . " Justice is something which any society ...." Im happy to look at your response if that helps .
If you can put the poem(s) you refer to on line and suggest some of the elements in poetry I am happy to say whether you are on the right track or not
I forgot 14 should be HE From now on I will only identify the ones that are wrong and will explain why if asked
I forgot 14 should be HE
Hello and greetings from Sydney, Australia in question 3 Doting means adoring 4/ Lolling means being lazy or relaxing which in question 4 means lounging 6/ revelry means partying /celebrating - the answer is merriment 10/ you are the subject doing the
I will mark it for you when you can show an attempt at every question and a sensible on. start with Diana sara and Emily all went .... . now do the rest
In sentence2 regard the individual as a singular therefore the verb should be singular so it cant be 'are" The individual's right to speak IS ....
The answer is A .Never make the same mistake twice . It cant be B because the sentence is incomplete . It cant be C because there needs to be commas around, who writes poetry in his spare time, and then complete the sentence and it cant be D because there
Hello Mr McAlpin here from Australia just a matter of not quoting his exact words . Try this : John Kennedy stated that you should not ask what your country can do for you but instead you should be asking what you can for your country . You cant put this
Hello from an English teacher from Australia . I found the passage you mean You may see their trunks arching in the woods Years afterwards, trailing their leaves on the ground Like girls on hands and knees that throw their hair Before them over their heads
Because 'He' refers to the subject of the sentence and shares the verb "remember" you can say 'who' "He was a great man who I cannot remember without grief nor write about without tears. Use 'whom' when it is the object of the sentence. Second example is
Example As reported by our on the spot reporter earlier in the program the floodwaters continue to rise. You could argue As( It was) reported(earlier) ... for the words omitted . 'As; is like a preposition in adding further information. I think it might be
I would suggest that 'within' is the best option of all . He knew he would return within a year
C is in chocolate A is the only answer for second letter Im thinking T for the third and the result is CAT
Greetings 1/ at all in that context means if you decide you will go ahead then do it well . It means it may or may not happen but this what you should do if you decide to go ahead .... 2/ This form of "at all" means totally or completely . It applies that
Hello Laketra . Im an English teacher in Sydney,Australia and I don't have much on this poem but i found this in amongst my teaching notes . Does it help answer the question for you ? The central idea posited by Herbert is that when God made man, he poured
Hello Im an English teacher from Australia so let me start by saying Good afternoon / morning . Here are my reasons for answers The line "But who will win the medal gold?" expresses uncertainty implying that of the entrants can win which , in my opinion
It sounds to me like a paradox because it is a strange saying but it has a bit of sense . I suggest it is probably a paradox
9.) The matter concerning the parking ticket was decided by the judge at the court on Monday. Verb: was decided Subject: judge Phrase: the matter concerning the parking ticket A FEW ERRORS HERE Firstly the subject is NOT the judge your subject is "The