
Are the following examples les adjectifs de nationalite?

1. en + pays feminin --> Exemple: en Chine

2. au + pay masculin --> Exemple: au Canada

3. aux -> aux Etats-Unis (Used for territories/provinces/states if I am correct...)

4. a + ville --> a Paris

(Sorry I don't know how to make the accents)

I don't know what is the adjective for continents other than it is feminine.

Thank you very much!

8 answers

I'll send this to our French expert, SraJMcGin.
4. Don't forget the necessary accent mark. Without it, "a" is from the verb avoir (to have) and à is the preposition to/at. à Paris.

To show you how to make accent marks on the computer, I need to know 2 things:
1. do you have a PC or a Mac
2. do you have Windows or not.

Here are the rules:
1. en for feminine coutntries, cotntinents, provinces
2. au, aux for masculine coutntries
3. dans + definite article for modified countries, continents
4. à for cities

If you need more examples, let me know. I'll flag this and come back later to see if you have additional questions.

Sra (aka Mme)
1. I have a PC with Windows

Could you explain the 3rd rule? The one with dans?

3. dans la belle France = in beautiful France
dans l'Amérique du Sud = in South America

When I find the accents, I'll be back, but I have to listen to a program now.

Sra (aka Mme)
Thank you, the chart works :)

I have a question about the countries that are exempt from the 3 rules you mentioned above:

1. Le Belize
2. Le Cambodge
3. Le Mexique
4. Le Mozambique
5. Le Zaire ( It doesn't exist anymore)
6. Le Zimbabwe

Since these countries are feminine. Would the exception be that they have "Au" preceding the country?


Au Belize?

Thank you again :)
The ones you list above are not feminine, but masculine and belong to Rule #2.
Yes = au Belize, au Cambodge, etc.

Sra (aka Mme)
Okay! Thanks for your help Sra! Jishka is really the only place I can get help for my midterm next week as my teacher will be hard to find next week!

If I have other questions ( probably sure I will) shall I post them here or post them on a new thread?
Please post them on a new thread. 2 of the volunteer teachers will send them to me.

Sra (aka Mme)