
Escribe las frases en espanol.
1. We forgot the homework. ( literalmente: "The homeowrk was forgotten "on us")


2. You lost money. ( the money was lost "on you")


2 answers

nosotros olvidamos la tarea
or it also works like this
olvidamos la tarea nosotros

tu perdiste dinero
perdiste dinero tu.
You didn't get the idea last night? You are working with 3rd person singular (if there is only one thing lost, forgotten, etc.) of a Reflexive Verb. Then the indirect-object pronoun (me, te, le, nos, os, les) tells the person involved.

1. literally: the homework forgot itself on us = Se nos olvidó la tarea. Be sure you UNDERSTAND what you are doing here. If you don't get the general idea, you will never get it!

2. literally: the money lost itself as far as YOU (familiar or formal, singular or plural) were concerned = Se te perdió el dinero. Notice I selected "te" rather than "le" or "les" because that's what your sentences used last night.
