As a Venezuelan business owner (you may select the specific business of your choice), you are very interested in the fact that Venezuela has recently been accepted as an associate member of MERCOSUR (July, 2004). You need to prepare your operations in view of this new reality.
Develop a plan for your business that will be implemented as Venezuela becomes part of MERCOSUR. Your business plan should include the following:
Benefits and drawbacks for the country of Venezuela as a result of their membership in MERCOSUR
Benefits and drawbacks for your business as a result of their membership in MERCOSUR
What adjustments will need to be made to your business as a result of this?
do your reading for AIU it is part of your grades think about the plagrism aspect of someone doign your assignments for you hope you consider this
well that's a nice way to put it but as a student also everyone likes to ask questions to see what other people might say! It's not that they want you to do their work only your input and help and not sarcasm:)the assignment may require searching the web and other sources and it's plagrism when you don't quote your sources.It's not plagrism when it's in your own words! I don't know of anyone who doesn't seek answers or input for their their own knowledge to do better!In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with finding out all you can when it comes to an assignment:)
Nice post Anonymous! I believe this website is called...Homework HELP! not homework do. Everyone can use a little feed back, and now that AIU has the Turnitin program is someone does plagerise they will get caught.
This is homework help and this question is a HARD ONE, I have been working of days on this topic and im still on the first page. Not looking for someone to do it, just to help point us in the right for the reading, in the text book Venezuela isnt part of the MERCOSUR so it wasn't to helpful to me.
if its like that then why are YOU on here then anonomus???
15 answers
I agree can read all that you want to in the book but it's still not enough to help you do this assignment. This assignment requires research on the Internet, and I myself always seek the input of other's...that makes us better and smarter students!
AIU Student
International Bus
My question is if the President of that country is nationalizing any business sector how can you have a business that will be successful in that country Venezuela who has joined with Mercosur?
I need help
All you guys do is talk and no help when you get to this site please be specific now I need the help and have no leads.
2yrs later no answers?
I don't get how this is any different than asking a friend for help. I don't think it is plagiarism. I have the book. This is the only reference to MERCOSUR and its in a section labeled "Take it to the Web"...
"Do you think Argentina's involvement in the trading bloc MERCOSUR had anything to do with its problems?
to the person who posted ''do your reading for AIU it is part of your grades think about the plagrism aspect of someone doign your assignments for you hope you consider this ''
HAHAHAHA. Listen, Im currently attending my first year in AIU and Im on this assignment right now. Guess what? I have had at least 2 weeks where none of the assigned reading helped at all. in fact, the chapters givin with this paper here, talking nothing what so ever about MERCOSUR or the country. the reading doesnt always help mmmk? so don't assume that person is lazy
I would have to agree with the person who says that their assigned reading didn't help. I don't even read my assigned reading anymore, mainly because i find updated facts online. All of my homework has been based on other peoples opinions and homework that have been done, but at the same time i REFERENCE them
same here Jessica, when I was doing my first to classes, I use to read all chapters that were assigned..and I mean it lol. I would sit down and read every single page and word, all chapters in one sitting. But not anymore..seeing as how sometimes it doesnt do you any good like that guy said. Now I just scan to see if it talks about whatever topic im working on...or I use the library or google
as a venezuelan business owner computer you are very interested in the fact that venezuela has recently been accepted as an associate member of mercosur (July,2004).
I have use Jiskha Homework help for my AIU assinments. I think that if the teachers had a problem with it they would say something about it when I put it in my references. This is just like any other web resourse. As long as you don't use it word for word and you cite it right and put it in your references I don't see how you are Plagrising anything. you are simply getting the help that you need.
I don't know if you got your answer yet It doesn't look like it so I would like to help you out. I would post the entire 3 page report that I wrote for this assinment but I think that would be going a little overboard. So instead I would like to give you an address where you can find the answer. associated content, Look around a bit you will find it. Hope this helps.
Associated content is one word and is a web address they wont let you write it on this thing so hope you understood.
a warning to future students! If you get an instructor named Patricia White for relational database concepts class, BEWARE! She doesnt lecture any at all in the live chats! she just sits there and only answers questions if anybody has one other than that she just sits silently. You are left with having to do guess work if you don't understand the class and grade gamble! If you get her contact your student advisor and ask to switch! BEWARE!
Venezuela and MERCOSUR...what a great victory for Hugo Chavez. Chavez has been so eager to get Venezuela into MERCOSUR as a full member for over a decade. Venezuela achieved assocoiate membership within a year and because of the government of Paraguay, the Venezuelan full membership has been delayed. Why? Because with Venezuela as a full member, Chavez has more leverage against the, instead of products being manufactured in the US, Chavez will push for more manufacturing in Venezuela. What does this mean for Chavez? MORE PROPAGANDA INFLUENCE in South America. As you recall, Chavez is the one behind offering CITGO gas and fuel oil at cheaper prices to lower income Americans in the winter of 2007(?)...maybe it was 2008...but anyway, it made Bush look like a turd, and Chavez look like a savior...especially down there in the south american cone...Chavez is all about anti-US hype...and having Venezuela as a FULL member will only add to the idiocy of Chavez.