Analogy: brother is to mother AS fly is to _____________ 4 letter word that starts with either scr, spr, str, or thr.
I think it is spry? Do you think correct?
35 answers
Yes. I think you're right. Mother and brother rhyme as do fly and spry.
rotund is to shape as
a.tiny is to size
b.wide is to length
a.tiny is to size
b.wide is to length
ship: ocean;;
What is the analogy that goes with brush?
What is the analogy with brush?
korse is to trot as kangaroo is to?
horse is to trot as kangaroo is to?
what is to chameleom:: sonar:is to bat
Funnel: Tunnel :: (a. bridge b. sack c. ring d. framer) : Cave
country:national::wuorld :
_____________ meter: :: cent : dollar
Idk sorry
heart is to blood vessels as brain is to _____?
motionless is to inactive AS handcuff is to... the root is man
yes, yes i think that you have the tottaly right idea, butttt what is spry? and honestly, who would give you such a stupid analoge, that you have the ask some stupid website to get the answer!? honestly, i think that analogies are stupid, and someone should write a letter to the court! done with analogies and help support the art programe in public school! i mean all the great artess had some help,right! like im 13, and i wanna become a great artess. i may suck at school, and you guys may laugh at this note. but i think that they just cant stop fudding it,
monitor is to computer, car is to road!
inhibited is to qualms as
a. retentive is to memories
b. indiscrimative is to standards
c. skittish is to reservations
d. resolute is to misgivings
a. retentive is to memories
b. indiscrimative is to standards
c. skittish is to reservations
d. resolute is to misgivings
card is to postcard aspermit is to..
cruel: sadistic :: prevaricate : ____
educated is to trained as spoken is to
what is the answer to
dust is to speck as hair is to ..........
please answer
it is important
i need heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllppppppppppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you for your consideration
dust is to speck as hair is to ..........
please answer
it is important
i need heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllppppppppppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you for your consideration
human is to dog as dog is to cat, spider, bird or ant?
dock is to what as park is to garage?
i think this site sukes i give it no stares in less you are as dum as dirt
100 : meter:: 36 :
average : extraordinary ::
broom is to sweep as brush is to _______ ....... i need help with this one someone please answer me:)
hurricane is to breez as downpour is to?
December :12 :: January :